Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 1, Number 6, 1 ʻAukake 1984 — '84 Makahiki Set for Aug. 4 at Ala Moana [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
'84 Makahiki Set for Aug. 4 at Ala Moana
The schedule of events for the 1984 Makahiki Aug. 4 at the Ala M oana Beach Park has been finalized. Officially dubbed "Ka Makahiki Na Pa'ani Hawaii," this 25th anniversary statehood celebration is dedicated to the memory of Moroni Medeiros for his dedication to the perpetuation of Hawaiian sports and games. A four-mile kukini or foot race will get the schedule of Hawaiian games under way at 7 a.m. The opening ceremonies featuring a pageantry will start at 9 a.m. Other scheduled Hawaiian games are pohaku ho'oikaika (shot putting); 'O'o
Ihe (spear throwing); Uma (hand wrestling); Moa Pahe'e (Sliding Dart); Pa Uma (standing hand wrestling); ulu maika (stone disc rolling); Huki Huki (tug of war). Also scheduled are an open water swim; volleyball for men and women age 20 and under in the open and novice divisions; mele ho'olaulea o ka makahiki (songs and dances); and a display of farm fair products and Hawaiian crafts. Competing age groups will be seven and under; 8 and 9; 10 and 1 1 ; 1 2 and 1 3; 14, 15 and 16; 17, 18,19 and 20. Also included in the Makahiki program is an art exhibit by Hawaiian artists at McCoy Pavilion Aug. 3-4, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
There will be a private showing of these works on Thursday, Aug. 2, from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. at McCoy Pavilion. Attendance is by invitation only. The display will be offered to the public Aug. 3-4 with the artists themselves on hand to answer any questions and handle sales of their respective works. There will be charcoal sketches, acrylic paintings, peneil, water colors, oil, sculptures and stone. Among artists who will be displaying their works are A. C. Kahekiliuila Lagunero, Rocky Ka'iouliokahihikolo
'Ehu Jensen, Maiki Honda, Charlotte M. Kauanoe Fremeaux, Patrick Ching, Lalepa Ah Sam, Moana Espinda, R. P. Kaimoku Pine, T. Keiaholoekekai Murata, A. Ululehua Seto and Wesley Sen. OH A Trustee Unele Tommy Kaulukukui is the Makahiki commissioner in charge of the day's events. Other members of the commission are Charles Ane, vice commissioner; Joan Wade, secretary; Kamuela Apuna, treasurer; Rudy Mitchell, events director. Members are Melvin Kalahiki, Tyrone Reindhart and Sigfried Schuster. Serving as advisory members are Alohawaina Makanani and Evelyn 01ores, Kauai; Nolle Smith, Maui; and Walter Ritte, OHA trustee, Molokai.