Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 1, Number 6, 1 August 1984 — Changed Address? [ARTICLE]

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Changed Address?

Ka Wai Ola O OHA issued a reminder two issues ago to all its beneficiaries and family members about an update on its mailing list. The response has been good but the office still receives a number of "undeliverable" and "no forwarding address" mail from the postoffice. Updating mailing lists is a never-ending project and you ean kokua by letting your respective OH A office know of any changes in your status or address. lf you also know of such changes among members of your ohana or neighbors and friends, we would appreciate hearing from you or them. lt is Ka Wai 01a's intent to reach as many Hawaiian households as possible. In order to do this, however, we need the correct or new addresses. If you know of someone not receiving the newspaper, we would also like to be told about it.