Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 1, Number 6, 1 August 1984 — WCIP Pacific Region Supports OHA's Stand on Overthrow, Other Issues [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

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WCIP Pacific Region Supports OHA's Stand on Overthrow, Other Issues

The World Council of lndigenous Peoples (WC1P) has served notice of its intent to conduct an independent and impartial investigation into the involvement ol the United States in the overthrow of the Hawaiian Kingdom in 1893. Meeting in Canberra, Australia June 25 27, the World Council's Pacific Region adopted a resolution to investigate "The right of the people of Hawaii to determine their own destiny, the responsibility of the United States in the overthrow of 1893, the liability of the United States for the state of affairs of the native Hawaiian people, and the many other controversies whieh resulted from the landing of American troops and oeeupation by American forces upon the lands and people of Hawaii. . The Pacific Region Council of WC1P, whieh will act as an intermediary agency in selecting members of the independent investigative committee, took action after hearing a presentation by OHA Trustee Hayden Burgess, one of three Hawaii delegates to the conference. The other two members from Hawaii were OHA Trustee Rodney Burgess and OHA Government Affairs Officer Francis Kauhane. In a separate resolution, the Pacific Region Council demanded an immediate

halt to the bombing and shelling of the island of Kahoolawe and of Makua and Kahanahaiki Valleys on Oahu pending the investigation into the "legitimacy of the United States' presence in Hawaii and the appropriateness of its military bombings in view of the importance of the targeted areas held by the indigenous people of Hawaii." WC1P represents native groups from 35 countries around the world. lt is one of only three indigenous groups enjoying non-governmental organization status with the Eeonomie and Social Council of the U.S. lt is recognized by the United Nations as an accredited lobbying organization with limited right of participation in U.N. conferences and activities. Adoption of the two resolutions was announced by WCIP President Jose Carlos Morales during a July 2 newsconference in Honolulu. OH A Trustees Hayden and Rodney Burgess also participated in the meeting with members of the Honolulu media. Morales said WCIP will discuss the Pacific Region Council's resolutions during the forthcoming world assembly in Panama City in September. According to Morales, results of the investigation will be reported to the United Nations Committee on Decolonization.

OHA Trustee Hayden Burgess presents testimony on native Hawiian claims while looking on are Jose Carlos Morales, president of the World ('ouneil of Indigenous Peoples (center), and Rodney Burgess, another OHA trustee. WCIP supports OHA's position.