Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 1, Number 6, 1 ʻAukake 1984 — Culture, Arts Committee Accepts Recommendations [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Culture, Arts Committee Accepts Recommendations

The State Foundation on Culture and the Arts Advisory Committee for the Fourth Festival of Pacific Arts accepted the Selection Committee recommendations for the Hawaii delegation of performing and visual artists to New Caledonia at a meeting July 16. The Selection Committee was made up of Napua Stevens Poire, Wayne Chang, Sarah Quick, Haunani Apoliona, Barbara Smith, Kaupena Wong, Lynn Martin and Verlie-Ann Malina-Wright who processed the performing arts nominations, submitting the following: Keola Beamer Sr.; Mahi Beamer; Manu Boyd; Cy Bridges; Frank Hewett; George Holokai; Palani Kahala; John Lake; Tony Lanehenko; George Maile; Chinky Mahoe; Derek Nuuhiwa; Napoka Oppenheimer; Holoua Stender; Moses Crabbe; Mililani Allen; Ulalia Berman; Ho'oulu Cambra; Ellen Castillo; Marilyn Leimomi Ho; Vicky Holt-Takamine; Lahela Ka'aihue; Nalani Kanaka'ole; Momi Aarona Kepelino; May Klein, Edith McKinzie; Leilani Mendes; Hokulani Padilla-Holt; Hui Park; and Hulali Solomon Covington. The criteria used in selection were: 1. Performance ability; 2. Knowledge of hula kahiko and auwana; 3. Knowledge of Hawaiian language and culture. 4. Recognition from the community. Additional criteria included: 5. Candidate is in good heakh and able to travel; 6. Candidate has the physical stamina required for three weeks of travel and performance; 7. Candidate is flexible to changes in itinerary and able to be amendable to simple groups accommodations; and 8. Candidate is of such dimensions to take up one airplane seat. The Selection Committee for Visual Artists composed of Lynn Martin, Herb Kane, Momi Cazimero, Linda Moriarty, Roger Rose, Verlie-Ann Malina-Wright,

Napua Stevens Poire, and Haunani Apoliona recommended the following and their respective alternates: Mary Lou Kekuewa, Dennis Keawe (feather leimaking); Charlotte Cathcart, Doris Nosaka (quiltmaking); Marie McDonald, Irmalee Pomroy (floral leimaking); Malia Solomon, Harry Kuikahi (fibers); Sam Ka'ai, Rocky Jensen(wood carving). The Selection Committee used the following criteria in reviewing individual portfolios: 1. Did the artist exhibit his/ her work? Are there any examples of written literature, news articles referring to the artist's work? Did the portfolio presentation represent thought, professionalism, thoroughness of presentation? 2. Verbal presentation: Was the artist able to demonstrate orally his knowledge of his art form? Will the artist be able to communicate his work in English or his native language? 3. Community Reputation: Is the artist's name known in the eommunity? Among the committee members? 4. Knowledge of Hawaiian Culture/ History: Does the artist's work demonstrate a Hawaiian theme? ls the artist able to use a cultural perspective in the explanation of his/her work? Haunani Apoliona and Verlie-Ann Malina-Wright were selected as artistic and liaison coordinators, respectively. The entire Hawaii delegation will be giving public performances prior to departing for the French Pacific territory of New Caledonia in December.