Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 1, Number 5, 1 Iune 1984 — Hawaiians Will Watch National Convention at SF Very Closely [ARTICLE]
Hawaiians Will Watch National Convention at SF Very Closely
Hawaiians will watch the National Democratic Convention closely this summer, hoping to see the Democrats include two resolutions of eoneem to Hawaiians in the National Party Platform this eleetion year. Both resolutions were introduced by The Office of Hawaiian Affairs, and appear in an accompanying article.
National party delegates from the 50 states, Washington, D.C., and territories such as Guam, Puerto Rico and Amenean Samoa, will meet July 16-19 in San Francisco to select the Democraticcandidates for President and Vice-President to run against Republican incumbent Ronald Reagan. Also on the agenda will be the adoption of a National Party Platform, whieh is being developed by the National Platform Committee. Hawaii delegates are already working on introducing and lobbying their resolutions for adoption. Henry Haalilo Peters, Speaker of the Hawaii State House of Representatives for four years and a State Representative from the 38th District since 1974, was chosen by the Hawaii delegation to the National Convention to sit on the National Platform Committee to urge adoption of the resolutions. Odetta Kealalio Fujimori,a memberof the Hawaii delegation, a special education teacher, and a member of the National Education Association Executive Committee, presented testimony on the resolution to acknowledge the illegal overthrow to the National Platform Committee in Washington, D.C. earlier in June. OHA also plans to lobby foradoption
of these resolutions by presenting a speciai screening of a video production to inform national delegates of the history_ of the Hawaiian people and the role of the United States in the overthrow of the Hawaiian monarchy. OHA Planningand Development Officer Wendy Roylo Hee, also a member of the Hawaiian delegation, will be bringing copies of Ka Wai Ola O OHA and other written materials to educate delegates nationally about OHA and Hawaiian issues.
The Hawaii delegation to the National Democratic Convention will be headed by Gov. George Ariyoshi. Other delegates besides Peters, Fujimori and Hee are Hawaii's congressional deiegation of Sen. Daniel lnouye, Sen. Spark Matsunaga, Rep. Cec Heftel and Rep. Dan Akaka; James Kumagai, state party chairman; Momi Minn Lee, party national committeewoman; Eileen Anderson, Honolulu Mayor; Jack Richardson, owner of Kailua Texaco; Karen Horita, Housing and Community Development Specialist with the Honolulu housing agency and Hawaiian Homes Commissioner. Also Judy Kim Seu, a secretary in the State Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs: Betty Matsumura, food service manager at Wilcox Elementary School in Lihue; Suzanne Peterson, State Deputy Agriculture Director; Les Ihara Jr., coordinator of the State Health Department's commuity work-day program; Sophie Sheather, retired hotel adminstrator; Russell Okata, HGEA Executive Director; Patsy Mink, City Council Chairman; Chris Pablo, lawyer and certified public accountant; Earl Arruda, teacher at Kauai High School and president-elect of HSTA; Clyde Naumo and Roslyn Baker.