Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 1, Number 5, 1 Iune 1984 — Physical, Mental Health Bill Gets Committee Approval [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Physical, Mental Health Bill Gets Committee Approval

A Hawaiian heahh study measure cosponsored by Sens. Daniel K. lnouyeand Spark M. Matsunaga was recently unanimously approved by the U.S. Senate Select Committee on lndian Affairs. According to a release from lnouye's office, the legislation would amend the lndian Heahh Care lmprovement Act Authorization measure.

"Native Hawaiians clearly experience unique physical and mental heahh problems, as do other native American groups," said lnouye, a member of the Indian Affairs panel. "The incidence of cancer among native Hawaiians was shown to be higher than any other ethnic group in Hawaii, in a recent study by the Cancer Center of Hawaii and the State Heahh Department. "Native Hawaiians suffer disproportionately higher incidences fo death due to heart disease, strokes or cancer. They also exceed other groups in chronic illness, substance abuse and alcoholism rates," noted Inouye. The legislation directs the Secretary of Heahh and Human Services to conduct a

one-year study of native Hawaiian and native Pacific lslander' physical and mental heahh problems. lt would include an assessment of services available to these groups, assess groups, assess areas in whieh such services are lacking, and recommend a national strategy to address their needs.