Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 1, Number 3, 1 ʻApelila 1984 — Voter Registrars Prepare for OHA / General Elections [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Voter Registrars Prepare for OHA / General Elections

Election of trustess for the Office of Hawaiian Affairs is scheduled for Thursday, Nov. 6, whieh happens to also be General Election Day. The OHA staff was recently deputized as official voter registrars in preparation for this election year. Neighbor island Community Resource Specialists were also expected to be deputized by their respective county clerks' offices. OHA registrars made their first appearance during the Native Hawaiians Study Commission report hearing at the State Capitol on Apr. 16.

Flyers detailing instructions on registration for this year's elections are available at the OHA office and were distributed at the Merrie Monarch Festival in Hilo where registrars were also active. You ean register to vote in the OHA election if you are all of the following: • Of Hawaiian ancestry. • A resident of Hawaii

• A citizen of the United States. • 18 years old by Election Day. If you are registered to vote in theOH A election, you are also eligible to vote in both the Primary and General Elections. Remember these important dates because they are your registration deadlines Aug. 22 for Primary Election; Oct. 9 for OHA/General Election. For full particulars, eall these OHA numbers: Oahu, 548-8960; Hawaii, 9617496 (Hilo), 320-7368 (Kailua-Kona); Kauai, 245-4390; Maui, 244-4219; Molokai, 553-3612.

Information may also be obtained by contacting the Lieutenant Governor's office, voter education and registration division, 548-3415 or any of the county clerks Oahu, 523-4293; Hawaii, 961-8277; Maui, 244-7825; and Kauai, 245-4785. Remember! If you are not registered, stop by the OHA office and any staff member will register you. Hiki no?