Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 1, Number 3, 1 April 1984 — Kupunas are Artisans in 'Aha Pu Hala Inc. [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
Kupunas are Artisans in 'Aha Pu Hala Inc.
'Aha Pu Hala ine. is a new non-profit organization established to perpetuate the pu hala or pandanus with the focal point of its purpose being the kupunas as artisans. The group started out on an informal basis almost two years ago but was incorporated Oct. 13, 1983, "to stimulate interest in the perpetuation and education of the Pu Hala (pandanus) symbolism and its arts and crafts as understood by Hawaiians."
OHA is one ol the three supportive Hawaiian agencies along with the Department of Hawaiian Home Lands and Alu Like. Two OHA staff members are among the group's first slate of officers. They are Kupuna Coordinator Betty Jenkins, vice president, and Laura Kamalani, OHA secretary who serves in the same capacity with 'Aha Pu Hala. Other officers are Esther Kakalia Westmoreland, president; Velma Kekipi, treasurer; and Agnes Cope, Oahu board member. It was Mrs. Westmoreland who originated the idea of such an organization. "We're going back to our roots to learn from those most knowledgeable — our kupunas, they're the artisans in this field of lauhala," explained Mrs. Jenkins.
"Its a question of learning and retaining or reestablishing what we may have lost. It's a hands-on kind of thing with no books involved," she added. The group will be going into the eommunity and schools to schedule lauhala weaving classes as soon as dates ean be firmed up. The business segment of the organization will be kept western but socially and culturally it will be strictly Hawaiian, Mrs. Jenkins explained. 'Aha Pu Hala will be holding its first statewide conference Aug. 23-25 at the Maui Beach Hotel following finalization of plans at the first state board meeting Feb. 24 on Maui.
The board adopted a set of bylaws and established an annual membership fee of $10 per person plus a one-time initiation fee of $5. A person's spouse or family member living in the same household may alsojoin for$l. Membershipcards willbe issued upon payment of dues. Eaeh island may petition to have its own chapter. The bylaws do not preclude eaeh island from having more than one chapter. Mrs. Jenkins is the conference chairman while Sam Holt, another OH A staff, is the vice chairman.
Officers of 'Aha Pu Hala Ine., reading from left to right around the table, are Esther Kakalia Westmoreland, president; Agnes Cope, Oahu board member; Velma Kekipi, treasurer; and Betty Jenkins, vice president. Missing is Laura Kamalani, secretary.