Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 1, Number 3, 1 ʻApelila 1984 — Slide Show Draws Praise [ARTICLE]
Slide Show Draws Praise
The Rev. Henry K. Boshard of Mokuaikaua Church in Kailua, Kona, found OHA's ceded land slide show"very informational" during a recent showing by Trustees Piilani C. Desha and Moses K. Keale and staff members Jalna Keala and Ruby McDonald. "We had a lot of discussion and several points were made whieh I felt were very wise recommendations," wrote Boshard in a letter to OHA Administrator T.C. Yim.
From the I8-minute slide presentation, Boshard also made the following comments. "We also found out that there were some very crucial issues that we did not know about. For examp!e, we were informed that ceded land funds are only coming from one department of the state, - i.e., the Department of Land and Natural Resources. "We further found out that the Department of Transportation and Harbors has up to this point refused to convey any funds from ceded lands to OHA. "Besides the foregoing, it has become obvious that Gov. Ariyoshi and his Attorney General's office have not only issued threats. but have been an obstacle to the
proper implementation of that section that deals with ceded lands in the Admission Act." Boshard also suggested that "OHA should become more political by being better able to communicate and receive voting strength from the present 64,000 registered OH A voters" and to also build up the constituency to its full potential. "We do not think that the Hawaiians have any other ehoiee than to support and elect a governor who is sensitive to the needs of the Hawaiians," Boshard concluded.