Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 1, Number 2, 1 March 1984 — Resolution Raps Bishop Estate Trustee Vacancy [ARTICLE]
Resolution Raps Bishop Estate Trustee Vacancy
The Board of Trustees of the Office of Hawaiian Affairs have charged the Justices of the Hawaii Supreme Court with allowing a vacancy on the Bishop Estate Board of Trustees to remain vacant for "an unreasonably long time." In a resolution passed uanimously at last month's special OHA board meeting, the OH A trustees also called for a public disclosure of the manner in whieh the Supreme Court Justices fill vacancies on the Bishop Estate Board. The resolution introduced by Trustee Hayden Burgess, in part reads: "WHEREAS, there has been mueh public debate, controversy and eoneem over the selection process, the laek of publicly disclosed criteria, and the laek of timely filling of vacancies of ✓
trustees of the Bishop Estate; and WHEREAS, there has remained a current vacancy on the Bishop Estate Board of Trustees whieh has not been filled or an unreasonab!y long time; and WHEREAS, the Will of Princess Bernice Pauahi Bishop called for five trustees and nothing less; and WHEREAS, the beneficiaries of the Bishop Estate are entitled to a full Board of Trustees at the Bishop Estate as quickly as reasonably possible; and WHEREAS, there has been no publie disclosure of the selection process by the Justices.of the Hawaii Supreme Court; THEREFORE, BE ITRESOL VED that the Office of Hc waiian Affairs eall
for a public disclosure by the Justices of the Hawaii Supreme Court to the process of selecting Trustees to the Bishop Estate, including the criteria dealing with education, experience, training, and affiliation; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Office of Hawaiian Affairs urge that if no selection process has been established, that such process be established forthwith and made public; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that copies of this resolution be transmitted to the Governor of the State of Hawaii, Speaker of the House, President of the Senate, Bishop Estate Trustees, Justices of the Hawaii See Resolution, Pg. 4