Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 1, Number 2, 1 Malaki 1984 — West Kauai Rotarians Very Impressed with OHA Show [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
West Kauai Rotarians Very Impressed with OHA Show
Fifty-six members of the West Kauai Rotary Club and visiting Rotarians were quite impressed over OH A's presentation of"Aina Mo'omoku,"the 18-minute slide show of Hawaii's ceded lands, during their regular monthly meeting in Hanapepe. Trustee Moses Keale preceded the showing with a brief explanation of the slides, including use of the word "haole." The mostly non-Hawaiian crowd thought it was an excellent presentation and noted they were not at all offended by that por-
tion of the narrative whieh mentioned "haole." Many of them rapped with Keale following the meeting, eager to learn more about Hawaiian issues. They requested more presentations of the show. Arrangements for the OHA presentation was made possible through the Rev. Ken Smith, president of the West Kauai Rotary Club. He is also pastor of the Waimea Christian Hawaiian and Foreign Churches.
By Carmen (Boots) Panui Community Resource Specialist