Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 1, Number 2, 1 Malaki 1984 — House Interior Committee Holds May 3 NHSC Hearing [ARTICLE]
House Interior Committee Holds May 3 NHSC Hearing
Congressmen Cec Heftel and Daniel K. Akaka announced that the House lnterior Committee will hold a hearing on the Native Hawaiians Study Commission Report on May 3 in Washington, D.C. The two-hour hearing is limited to an examination of the professional adequacy of the section of the report that deals with the historical events surrounding the overthrow of the Hawaiian monarchy in 1893. "An understanding and acknowledgement of the role of the U.S. government in the overthrow of the monarchy is crucial," Heftel said. "We cannot move forward with any meaningful discussion about conclusions and recommendations until we have established onee and for all who was responsible for what actions." Added Akaka, "The importance ofhistorical accuracy to the conclusions drawn by this commission cannot be overstressed. The conclusions of the report are meaningless without a thorough and balanced analysis of the events whieh transpired during this period in history. "From the initial assessment I have made, I have concluded that the majority report lacks sound historical accuracy. It is therefore of critical importance that experts be called to testify before the Congress on the historical events surrounding the overthrow of the Hawaiian monarchy. lt is only after these events have been examined and evaluated in light of historical fact that the congressional mandate of the Native Hawaiians Study Commission ean be carried out." The Reagan-appointed mainland
commissioners and the Hawaii commissioners differ substantially in their interpretation of the events that led to the overthrow of the monarchy. The conclusions and recommendations of the report rest heavily on this historical analysis, thus, professional historians will be asked to present their expert analysis of U.S. involvement in the overthrow. The Senate will hold a series of hearings in Hawaii in April to discuss other aspects of the report. The House hearing in Washington will complement the Senate hearings. Congressmen Heftel and Akaka encourage interested parties to submit written testimony for the record. • Resolution, from Pg. 1 Supreme Court, and Arthur Trask." Following adoption of the resolution, OHA Vice Chairman Rodney Burgess commented: "The Bishop Estate Trusteeship is a political plum whieh pays over $200,000 a year. In the past, non-Hawaiians have been appointed to the Board despite the fact that many qualified Hawaiians were available. OHA finally has taken the leadership in scrutinizing all resources and programs whieh impact on our people including private trusts such as Bishop Estate. The establishment of rules and procedures in the selection process allows for beneficiary input into the selection process, a condition whieh, up to now has been non existent.