Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 1, Number 2, 1 Malaki 1984 — Political Warriors [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Political Warriors

By Walter Rittee Trustee, Moloka'i

The State is ripping you off by keeping millions of dollars of your legal "entitlements" from you. The"gang". not Hawaiians, are in control of our Hawaiian resources such as the Department of Hawaiian Home Tands, Bishop Estate, Eiliuokalani Trust, etc. The Federal-State Task Force has made some 134 recommendations to change the Hawaiian Homes operation. The U.S. Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources is holding hearings on Reparations and Hawaiian concerns. A Federal study has been done on the educational needs of Hawaiians (the Native Hawaiian Educational Assess-

ment Project). Major changes will take plaee in the Hawaiian community by 1988. The degree of involvement by Hawaiians will determine the quality of life our children will have. Politics will determine the changes. Politics has only a few simple rules: • Register to vote. • Care work for your future generation. • Communicate — get off your bottom, seek information. • Be akamai, vote for those who support Hawaiian issues. • Vote, no matter what!

Ka Wai Ola O OHA


(This eolumn is open lo all OHA Trusives as a eehiele for them io cxpress their mana'o. Opinions expres.se d are the personal vic\vs o f eaeh indiviilual Trustee a/ul elo noi neeessarily represent the offieial position pf the OHA Boari I of Trustces.) V l /