Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 1, Number 1, 1 February 1984 — 'New Look' [ARTICLE]

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'New Look'

Ka Wai Ola O OHA reaches another milestone in the brief history of the Office of Hawaiian Affairs with the publication of this issue marking a switch to monthly from the heretofore quarterly schedule. The new monthly schedule will be followed over the next few issues. As a result, a deadline for all copy to reach the editor's desk is the 1 0th of eaeh month, give or take a eouple of days. Publication date is the week of the 25th. The entire newspaper has been revamped to include a new redesigned masthead, format. layout, eolumn heads and body and head types. It will remain a tabloid but with a mag (magazine) type face. The changes are the result of the hiring of a new editor in Kenneth Samuel Kamaka Haina, a veteran fourth estater known in the profession simply as Kenny Haina. Heavy emphasis will continue to focus on OHA, native Hawaiians and Hawaiians. Contributions are weleome but subject to editing. We hope you like the new look.