Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 1, Number 1, 1 Pepeluali 1984 — OHA Assistance Noted in Pilot Plan for Alcoholics [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

OHA Assistance Noted in Pilot Plan for Alcoholics

A pilot program to assist Native Hawaiians and all Hawaiians with aleoholie problems has beenestablished by OHA in a joint venture with the Hawaii Cultural Research Foundation. A contract was signed recently with Hina Mauka, an aleoholie rehabilitation agency in Kaneohe, to help Hawaiians with drinking problems. Trustee Thomas K. (Unele Tommy) Kaulukukui, chairman of OHA's Heahh and Human Resources Committee said this will be a pilot program. Funding is geared to first assist a total of 18 Hawaiians, two or three per 30-day period. A feasibility study of the program will be made with an eye towards establishing it on a permanent basis. lt is also hoped that a suitable solution to the problem of alcoholism affecting Hawaiians ean be

found. Hina Mauka is a private non-profit corporation affiliated with the Aleoholie Rehabilitation Services of Hawaii ine. (ARSH) and has been in existence since 1977. The agency itself dates back to 1969 when the Hawaii State Hospital was directed by legislative statute to treat alcoholism and aleoholie patients. Volunteers, mainly from the Aleoholics Anonymous community, carried on the program until 1978 when Hina Mauka established a full professional staff. Families, clergymen and employers who need to refer identified Hawaiians with drinking problems to OHA may phone 548-8960 and ask for Kamuela Apuna, Health and Human Resources Officer.

OHA and Hina Mauka officials witness signing of contract permitting the aleoholie rehabilitation center to help native Hawaiians and Hawaiians with drinking problems. In the photo, standing, from left to right: Sam Holt, OHA Human Services Specialist; Harry Lake, Hina Mauka Clinical Specialist; Joseph (Buddy) Scott, Hina Mauka Marketing, Sales and Admissions officer; Kamuela Apuna, OHA Health and Human Resources Officer. Seated, left to right: Mike Middlesworth, president of the Hina Mauka Boad of Directors; Thomas K. (Unele Tommy) Kaulukukui Sr., chairman of the OHA Health and Human Resources Committee; and John Eichnor, Hina Mauka Executive Director.