Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, 1 January 1984 — OHA ENTERS THE COMPUTER AGE [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

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The OHiee ol Hawaiian Affairs has entered the computer age with the acquisition late last month of a Wang VS-45 Mini-computer. The advent ol computer capability is seen by Trustees and staff as an important and necessary step in meeting the increasing demands being placed on the OI"fice for services. The computer will save OHA valuable time and money in the management and administration of various projects and programs. Among the uses planned for the eomputer is the storage and analysis ol' the information being gathered from the current popu!ation and needs assessment survey of the Hawaiian eommunitv. The computer also will be used by the Comprehensive Services for Hawaiians (CHSO) Project whieh is in the process ol compiling an inventory ol human service programs available to OHA beneficiaries throughout the state. Other activities for whieh the computer ean be used include keeping inlormation on Hawaiian-owned businesses, compiling data on the Hawaiian population, budgeting and linaneial accounting, contract preparation, and

word processing. The computer will also enahle the Office to maintain and update an accurate mailing list of OHA registered voters and beneficiaries. Eventually, OHA would like to build a Hawaiian genealogy whieh ean be stored in the computer and updated on an on-going basis. For the past three months several members of the staff have been receiving training on the use of the computer from Dr. Norman Okamura and his staff at the University ol Hawaii Department of Urban and Regional Planning. Dr. Okamura has also played a major role in assisting OHA to acquire and set up the computer system. The ability to storc. analyze and retrieve accurate information in an el'l'icient and timely manner will be u major benefit to OHA and other agencies and groups needing information on the Hawaiian community.