Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, 1 January 1984 — POLITICAL WARRIORS [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

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Walter Ritte

You are being ripped off by the State! You are entitled to between $5.000.000 and $20.000,000 a year from "ceded land revenues." You have been ripped off since 1959. You are legally entitled to these monies according to our State Constitution and statutes. OHA is the agency whieh will fight for you to get these entitlements. The only reason you are not getting these monies is politics. Is OHA strong enough to get you your entitlements? Some of the strongest lobbyists (airlines, tourist industry, Department of Transportation, harbors and airports people, etc.) feel Hawaiian entitlements are a threat to their pocket books. This anti-Hawaiian lobby group

is stronger than the Hawaiians. We ean become stronger than the money lobby groups if we want to! Our survival is now dependent upon us becoming political warriors. We are in a political battle not only for entitlements but for survival at the next 1988 Constitutional Convention, only five years away. Politics has only a few simple rules: 1) register to vote; 2) communicate, don't be lazy and wait to be spoon fed information - go out and get information, eall OHA, write letters, read handouts and attend meetings; 3) get akamai, do not vote for those who are anti-Hawaiian issues; and 4) vote no matter what! this Election Day Vote first, the rest later.