Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, 1 September 1983 — KAUAʻI [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

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Hawaiians Promiaent iii Kaua9i C oun(y Goverumeut

A number of Hawaiians currently hold cabinet level and other responsible positions in the administration of Garden lsland Mayor Tony Kunimura. Avery Youn, who served as Kaua'i Deputy Planning Director for eight years, was appointed head of the department in April of this year. The Kaua'i-born Youn is a graduate of Montana State University with a degree in architecture. As Planning Director, Youn says his prime objectives for 1983 are the adoption of the North Shore Development Plan and the completion of the General Plan Update. The latter involves extensive revisions to the county's 1971 General Plan. The county's Director of Public Information and Complaints is Danita Aiu. Among her many responsibilities are disseminating public information, preparing press releases, accompanying the Mayor to official functions and handling complaints from unhappy citizens. Aiu earned a bachelors degree in English at Mount St. Mary's College in Redwōod Hills Cafifornia. She also

holds a fifth year teaching certificate, and has taught school on Oahu and at a military dependent's school in Germany. Before joining the Mayor's staff, Aiu worked at a wide range of jobs including counselor for the Job Corps, lecturer and guide at Grove Farm Homestead, Chairman of the Kamehameha Schools lecture series and secretary of the Kaua'i Historical Society. She, her husband Dr. Patrick Aiu, a Kaua'i native, and their four children Iive in Wailua Homesteads. Thirty-one year old Warren Perry is Kaua'i's 2nd Deputy County Attorney. A graduate of Kamehameha Schools, Perry earned a degree in Biology at the University of Arizona and received his law degree from the University of Hawaii in 1979. He served in the U.S. Navy from 1967-1970 and has worked as a meehanie, salesman, gas station attendant, drapery installer, tour guide, valet car parker and laborer. From July, 1980 to March. 1983 Perry was special counsel to the County Attorney doing family support work.

Danita M.Aiu Public lnformation & Complaints Director, Count of Kaua'i.