Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, 1 March 1983 — HILO [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
Bill Kalei
Community lnformation Specialist
The Big lsland Alu L.ike. ine. center hosted an informational forum on April 1 1. 1983. at the Waiakea Elementary Multi-purpose room whieh began at 7 p.m. Betty Snowden, Administrator. Hawaii Island Center, Alu Like, ine. with sonre of her staff members presented two slide presentations of Alu Like's purpose on the Big Island. The presentation was recei\ed with general approval by the more than 40 people in the audience. Kinau Kamalii, Chairman, NHSC was introduced and apologized for the absence of H. Rodger Betts and Winona Beamer. She then shared the hardship whieh they encountered due to a negative attitude by the nonHawaiian commissioners (who make up the majority) on the truth of the circumstances surrounding the illegal take - over by the United States Government. During the period in whieh questions were allowed, Mr. Charles Rose inquired about whether immediate or future courses of action were being considered. Another asked if the majority commissioners were considering soliciting or recruiting mana'o from other Polynesian nations and or countries for assistance informulating strategies to ensure support. Also, what was their time table towards the above. It seems apparent that the minority commissioners encountered a wall of resistance in con\incing the other commissioners of the illegal tactics used by the United States Government. This ean only fortify the urgent need for all Hawaiians to lokahi first with God, then eaeh other and to unite as one.