Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, 1 Malaki 1983 — KOKUA FROM PCC [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
Representatives of the Polynesian Cultural Center (PCC). Mr. Emile Wolfgramm. Directorof Researchand Education and Mr. Raymond Mokiao have offered the Office of Hawaiian Affairs and other agencies kokua in helping to promote the study of Hawaiian culture, ianguage and history especially among Hawaiians. This cooperative effort will begin with a summer workshop for kupuna instructors involved in the Department of Education's Hawaiian Studies program. Plans are now being de\eloped for the workshop to be held at PCC in La'ie. O'ahu so they ean expand their skills and experience in teaching and using actual cultural materials. This project will be the first experience of bringing South Pacific lsland cultures together insupport ofexpanding information and ideas. Mr. Lokomaika'i Snakenberg, of the Department of Education and Hardy Spoehr of the Dcpartment of Hawaiian Home Lands are presently involved with OHA to make this project a reality. More inlormation ean beobtained by callingOHA Educational Officer Samuel Apuna at the main office in Honolulu (548-8960).
Polynesian ( ulture C'enter Staff C'y Bridges and Emil Wolfgramm host OHA Trustees during tour at Laie, Oahu.