Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, 1 Malaki 1983 — E KALA MAI IAʻU [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


Ka Wai Ola goofed in our identification or misidentification of three members of OHA's Board of Trustees in the last issue of the newspaper. In the "Committees Assigned" article, we neglected to list Trustee Rod Burgess as Chairman of the Committee on Long Range Planning. In addition, in his capacity as Vice-Chairman of the Board of Trustees, Burgess sits as ex officio member of all other standing committees. We slighted Big lsland Trustee Pi'ilani Desha by excluding her completely from the masthead Iisting. Pi'ilani says she had a number of calls from concerned constituents asking when she resigned from the Board. We would like to assure one and all that Pi'ilani is indeed a member of the Board, and a very vocal and active one at that. Finally, Trustee Moses Keale, Sr. was rather confusingly identified in the masthead as "Trustee-Al-Large from Kaua'i and Ni'ihau." In fact, Keale is the Kaua'i/Ni'ihau representative. The four Trustees who were elected to at-large seats are Rodney Burgess, Rockney Freitas, Thomas Kaulukukui and Gard Kealoha.


- >*m >v.. > a*.m Burgess

Keale, Sr.