Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, 1 Ianuali 1983 — SPECIAL MESSAGE FROM THE CHAIRMAN [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


Aloha kakou. 1 he ()fficc of Hawaiian AITairs has continued its high performance in carrying out its Constitutional mandate. We have completed a draft Master Plan whieh is required by law and whieh provides some clear direction for the Olīiee. We also have completed a thorough l'inaneial audit ol our Office. The Oll'iee ol Hawaiian Affairs. as a Trust for all Hawaiians. has and will continue to plaee a high priority on fiscal management. We have increased the efficiency ol the OHiee and impro\ed s.taff moiale by making internal shifts in personnel. l he Office has been working very closcly with othcr Hawaiian agencies and institutions such as Alu l.ike. Bishop Estate and the Department of Hawaiian Home l.ands (DHHl ) in an effort to make the best use ol the available resources and minimi/e duplication. I he Otfice also has made a concerted effort o\er the past year to meet with, discuss. get input from. and work together with beneficiary groups throughout the State. The 1 rustees have travelled to communities such as Huna. Keanae and Ni'ihau. Recently two of theTrustees were in\ ited by the peopleof Miloli*i.tocomeand diseuss some ol their concerns. Our I rustee from Kaua'i. Moses Keale. \vas the only person the Robinson family would allow to go to Ni'ihau to assess the damage caused b\ H urricane Iwa. On the island ol Moloka'i. Trustee Walter Ritte has organi/ed a group ol nearly 1.000 residents to investigate what ean be done about the extremely high energv costs on thi.it island. "1 hese efforts by the Office to work together with other Hawaiian agencies and beneficiary groups ha\e resultcd in increased understanding and trust amongall partics. It is our intent to continue to plaee a high priority on \vorking to get input from. and to improve. communication lrom our beneficiaries. While continuing our high standards ol operation and trying to improve scrvice to our beneficiaries. the Office is recommending a total operatingcost decrease in the lirst vear of our hiennium. and a further decrease in the second year. 1 his is in keeping with the Go\ernor's plans to keep State costs down. Ho\ve\er. as mentioned in the Governor's address. we will attempt to do the very best in eontinued and e.xpanded services to our people. me kealoha pumehana. Joseph Kealoha Chairman Board ol Trustee