Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, 1 Ianuali 1983 — OHA MASTER PLAN [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


OHA Master Plan The Office of Hawaiian Affairs has recently completed a draft ofanOHA Master Plan whieh describes the specific objectives, policies, and programs toward whieh OHA will be working in order to carry out its statutory duties and responsibilities as set forth in Chapteb 10, HRS. 1 he Master Plan will form the basis of OH A's multi-year program and financial plan to be presented to the State Legislature. ln an effort to work toward the betterment of conditions for native Hawaiians and Hawaiians, OH A seeks to promote a greater degree of self-sufficiency and self-deter-mination among its beneficiaries by creating a range of options or alternatives whieh will enahle native Hawaiians and Hawaiians to more freely choose how they will live their lives and participate in modern society. To achieve this purpose, the OHA Board of 4 rustees has adopted three separate but interrelated and equally important goals toward whieh OHA will be working. The first goal focuses on the continued revival, promotion, enhancement, and perpetuation of Hawaiianeulture. Thisgoal recognizes the basic intportance of theculture in developing a sense of identity, pride. and eommunity among Hawaiians. lt also recognizes that the Hawaiian culture is valuable eeonomie resource to the State of Hawaii. OHA therefore intends to plaee entphasis on promoting an increased awareness and understanding of the culture among Hawaiians and the sharing ol the culture with other residents and visitors. The second goal is aimed at addressing the social and eeonomie needs within the Hawaiian community. This goal focuses on ensuringthat Hawaiians haveaccesstoa range of health and human service programs, on insuring that relevant educational opportunities are available to them. Continued on Page 3

Continued from Page 1 and on promoting increased opportunities for eeonomie development activities within the Hawaiian community. 1 he third goal locuses on promoting the 1 u 1 1 participation ol the Hawaiian community in the political decisionmaking process. "I his goal involves promoting increased access to and and participation b\ Hawaiians in the decisions affecting the Hawaiian community. It recogni/es that in order lor this to occur. there is a need to develop a strong and unified community base. The success ol' the acitivities planned to address the.se goals will require the cooperation and participation ol other Hawaiian agencies and organi/ations. the Hawaiian community. other puhlie and private agencies, and the community at large. As a result. the master plan places major emphasis on impro\ing coordination among all agencies and organi/ations pro\ iding services to Hawaiians. fostering better communication and understanding of a \ariety ofconcerns within the outsideofthe Hawaiian community. and strengthening our ability to work together in order to minimi/e duplication and maximi/e the delivery of ser\ices to beneficiaries.