Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, 1 Ianuali 1983 — HAWAIIANS WELL REPRESENTED [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


As Bishop Estate Trustee William Richardson notes in an address reproduced elsewhere in this issue of Ka Wai Ola, Hawaiians are beginning to act as a politically eohesive unit. This isespecially evident in the make up of the 1983 State Legislature. For the first time in many many \ears the number of State Senators and Representatives of Hawaiian ancestry reflects the proportion of Hawaiians in the general population. The latest census figures indicated that Hawaiians make up I8.8rr of our population. In the current Legislature. 10 of the 52 Representatives and 6 of the 25 Senators elaim Hawaiian ancestry, a slight increase in the House and a 1000 increa.se in the Senate over last year! Overall. Hawaiian law makers constitute about 210 of the Legislature, a weleome contrast to previous years. lt is reasonable to hope that these men and women will be sensitive to the needs and desires of their Hawaiian constituents. But it is imperati\e that they receive input from the Hawaiian communit\ . Make your voice heard!

Let your Representative or Senator know how you feel. Attend committee meetings on Hawaiian-related issues when possible. lf you feel strongly about a particular proposal. arrange to testify when it is being considered. Here are the legislators of Hawaiian ancestry in the current Legislature along with their committee assignments, room numbers and telephone numbers. Make sure they and the rest of our lawmakers truly represent our interests. The Representatives are Whitney ANDERSON, rm. 419. ph. 548-4115, Committees: Finance, Legislative Management, Tourism, Employment Opportunities & Labor Relations, Puhlie Employment Government Operations. and State General Planning. Peter APO, rm. 414. ph. 548-5730. Committees: Education, Human Resources. Heahh, Housing, Higher Education (ViceChair). and State General Planning. Mike CROZIER, rm. 311, ph. 548-7895. Committees: Finance; Legislative Continued on Page 4


Management: Agriculture; Water, l.and Use Development & Hawaiian Affairs: Energy. Ecology and En\ ironmental Protection: and Oeean and Marine. Resources. C'layton HEE. rm. 438. ph. 548-4276. Committees: Education ( Vice-Chair); Higher Education: Agriculture: Water. l.and l se De\elopment & Hawaiian Affairs; Energy. Ecolog\ and En\ironmental Protection: and Oeean and Maiine Resources. A\is KIYABIJSABA1.A. rm. 333. ph. 548-8955. Cortimittees: Education; Higher Education: Agriculture: Water. L.and l'se Development & Hawaiian Affairs: and Oeean and Maiine Resources. Joseph P. LEONO. rm. 309. ph. 548-

7804. Conimittees: Education. Human FCesources ( ViceChair), Health. Higher Education. Housing. and State General Planning. Arnold MORGADO. rni.329. ph. 5484274. Committees: Finance, Legislative Management. Human Resources. Health. Housing and State Cieneral Planning (Vice-Chair). Henry Haalilio PETERS. r. 335. ph. 548-4147. Speaker of the House. Eloi.se Yamashita TUNGPALAN, rm. 320. ph. 548-2261. Committees: Judiciary. Corrections & Commerce; Corrections and Rehabilitation; Consumer Protection and Commerce: Tourism; Puhlie Employment Government C3perations; and Transportation. Norma WONG. rm. 315. ph. 548-

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HOI. r, Millon

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S()I.OMO\, Malama

H O\ C. Richard

4167. Committees: Finance, Legislative Management, l ourism. Employment Opportunities& Lahor Relations. Puhlie Employment Government Operations. and Transportation. The Senators are James AKl. Rm. 216, ph. 548-6299. Committees: Agriculture. Culture& Arts, Eeonomie Oevelopment, Tourism ( Vice-Chair), Transportation. and Ways & Means. Dante CARPE\TER. rm. 232. ph. 548-7887, Committees: Consumer Protection & Commerce. Culture & Arts (Vice-Chair), Eeonomie De\elopment. Education, Judiciarv (Chair). & lourism. Lehua FERNA\DES SALL1\*G. Rm. 213. ph. 548-2248. C'ommittees: Agriculture, Eeonomie

Development, Education. Government Operations & County Relations. Hawaiian Programs (Chair). and Ways & Means. Mihon HOLT, rm. 203. ph. 548-6518. Committees: Consumer Protection & Commerce. Hawaiian Programs. Higher Education (Chair), Housing & Urban De\elopment (Vice-Chair), Human Resources, and Judiciary. Malama S01.0M0\. rm. 208. ph. 5484341. Committees: Higher Education. Agriculture ( ViceChair). Transportation. Wavs & Means. and Youth & Elderly Affairs (Chair).

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HEE, Clayton


WONG, Norma