Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, 1 Ianuali 1983 — THE 22ND SOUTH PACIFIC CONFERENCE [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


A delegation from the Office of Hawaiian Affairs, led b\ T rustee M oses Keale attended the 22nd South Pacific Conference in Pago Pago, American Samoa on Oct. 2329. 1982. The purpose of the Conference has been to pro\ide an annual forum for the discussion of eeonomie, heahh and social development in the Pacific. It is an opportunity for island leaders to discuss eommon problems. share ideas for solutions and to establish eommon efforts on a regionai basis. The Office was granted observer status through the Secretar\-General, Francis Bugotu with the assistance of the Pacific lslands Development Program at the EastWest Center. Invitations to attend the Conference by observers are based on the abilitv of the observers to eontribute to the development of the member governments. An in\itation from the Honorable Peter Tali Colman, Go\ernor of American Samoa was received due to the "nature of the Office's mission." The Conference was held under the direction of the South Pacific Commission (SPC). The Commission is based in Noumea, New Caledonia and presently has 26 members of whieh 2 1 are Pacific Island governments. The whole purpose of the SPC is to provide a framework through whieh they ean cooperate with eaeh other. Programs have ranged from technical seminars on agriculture, fishing and energy to the consideration of a regional development fund to help finance national projects of region-wide value. Other Commissionsponsored projects have included conferences on the status of women in the Pacific and regional arts festivals. The SPC devotes its major efforts to bettering public heakh and to eeonomie development. The Office's delegation had specific objectives in going

to Pago Pago to be part of this "United Nations of the South Pacific." The delegation sought to establish official and informal ties with the lsland nations. other observers such as the Asian Development Bank. and business groups. Members of the delegation distributed and pro\ided on-the-spot information about the Office, and they sought to find out the needs and resources of the islanders. Also of importance was to establish eeonomie and cultural inter-change, especially in the areas of aquaculture. agriculture and energv. The Office's delegation \vas greatly interested to see and to be part of the international protocol and traditional Polynesian customs of welcoming. While at the Conference the Office's delegation was able to help the Bishop Museum in bringing a resolution calling upon support forthe Museum'sefforts. Moses Keale. the head ofdelegation reported back that the Office's attendance "was a success beyond our own expectations and objectives. We were well received bv the Commission and all its member governments. . . . Hawai'i ean play an important factor in the future of the Pacific. 1 hope our Office may serve in a very positive and active role in establishing better ties." The delegation recommended that before the Office attends the next Conference, to be held in Saipan. it should: gather and share information for the needs of SPC; request and purchase informational materials from SPC and other Pacific islands on eeonomie development and culture: the Office should follow-up on proposals offered by business exchange programs with the members of SPC for technical and cultural assistance; conduct a comprehensive study of all Pacific island groups'customs of weleome and protocol; and seriously consider pilot, cooperative agreements with the SPC and its member nations in the areas of agricultural training and management, eeonomie development and opportunities in tourism. fisheries and aquaculture. transportation between islands, high technology and cultural development. The Office is deeply grateful to Dr. E. Maeu Salato and Mr. James Makasiale of the Pacific Islands Development Program at the East-West Center, and to Ms. Reri Tava, who helped in establishing contacts with the Government of American Samoa and other Pacific lsland nations.

Opening ceremonies al Pago Pago Field of Ihe 22nd South Pacific Conference.

Trustee Moses Keaie, headof Ihe Office's delegalion wilh Governor Peler Tali ( oleman and Mrs. ( oleman al ( onference reception. Accompanying Truslee Keale is Ms. Reri Tava who helped ihe Office ohlain ils "observer's status. "