Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, 1 Ianuali 1983 — NA MEA HAWAIʻII PUNAHELE [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


Some of the most depictive works of art of Hawaiians in old Hawaii whieh were painted by Jean Charlot do not hang in any art galler\ . They ean be seen on display at the most reknown Hawaiian restaurant in Honolulu. Helena's. known for the best ake in tewn has Jean Charlot on un-limited showing. \o writer ean describe the beauty and feeling of Jean'sart; however. oneean betterdescribe Helena's art of preparing the most succulent ake ever tasted. This Hawaiian delicacy of ehoiee calf liver, marinated in sauces of ehili pepper. limu and other unknown ingredients. whieh ne\er at anytime in its preparation touches heat of any lashion. is topped with Helena's secret flavoring juicies. This writer has been given the privilege of knowing the origin of this topping that adds to making Helena's the best tasting ake in the town. She adds a light whisper ol Opihi juices to her ake right before serving. That is a dish that rounds off a good Hawaiian meal, whether it be hcr laulau. kalua pua'a of laulau na'au. Forthe venturous who wish to e.\perience Helena's cooking. her plaee is 011 the mauka side of King Street, Diamond Head ol Houghtailing Street. According to the Congressional Record ol the 95th Congress, Volumn 124. Jean Charlot gave Helena those paintings in payment for meals she prepared for him and his guests.

\uthor Sam (Kamuela) Apuna talks of the 'ono 'ake an 'opihi combination found at Helena's inKalihi. (Pholo by Fd Miehelman)