Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, 1 Kepakemapa 1982 — ʻOLELO HO ʻOLAHA [ARTICLE]
Genoa Keawe Productions Present "Hawaii Aloha '82 Concert at the BYU-Hawaii Campus in Laie on November 5th (Friday) beginning at 7:00 pm. Aunty Genoa will be there along with Lovey Apana, Val Kepelino, Johnny Lum-Ho and his Halau, and many others. Tickets are $7 for reserved seats, S5 forgeneral admission, S3 for students, and keikis 8 years or older Sl.
Letters to the Editor Letters to the Editor: Readers are invited to comment or inquiry in either Hawaiian or English by writing to the above address. Na Leta a na Maka'ainana: Eia ke kono ia 'oukou, e na po'e heluhelu nupepa, ina mamake e kakau-leka mai e pili me neia nupepa 'a'i'ole me na mea kau 'i'ini, malia paha e ho'ouna mai nei.
Ka Wai Ola O OHA (The Living Water of OH A) is published quarterly by the Office of Hawaiian Affairs, 567 So. King St., Suite 100, Honolulu, Hawaii 96813. Telephone 548-8960. The Circulation of Ka Wai Ola O OH A is 50,000 copies: 40,000 are sent through mail distribution and 10,000 are distributed through island offices. Ka Wai Ola O OHA is printed by Hawaii Hoehi Ltd. at917 Kokea St., Honolulu, Hawaii 96817. Board of Trustees Mr. Moses K. Keale, Sr. Chairperson & Trustee-At-Large from Kaua'i & Ni'ihau Mr. Peter K. Apo Mr. Joseph G. Kealoha, Jr. Trustee from 'Oahu Trustee from Maui Mr. Rodnev K. Burgess, III Mr. Everett K. Kinney Trustee-At-Large Trustee from Hawai'i Mr. Roy L. Benham Mr. Walter L. Ritte, Jr. Trustee-At-Large Trustee from Moloka'i Mr. Thomas K. Kauiukukui, Sr. Rockne C. Freitas Trustee-At-Large Trustee-at-Large T.C. Yim, Administrator Editorial Staff Puhlie Information Officer Maleolm Naea Chun Production Editor Richard Wirtz Graphics