Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 00, Number 1, 1 Iune 1982 — A STORY OF KAMEHAMEHA I [ARTICLE]
As told to Laura Green by Mary Kawena Pukui After the battle of Kamehameha against Kalanikupule, at the time of the leaping of Ka'anae, there eame a certain warrior before the attendants of the king and boasted saying that he was the king's own brother. Whenthe eouneilor heard this, he was very angry and said, "Insolence! who told you, you braggart, that you were related to the divine one? This is overstepping and pride." "Yes, it is true," answered the man, I am his youngest brother and he is the first-born." Here the conversation ended. The councilor went before the king and told him all that he had heard from the man. Then the king commanded, "Go and fetch this mischievous person and bring him before me." When the man eame, he crawled on his hands and knees before the king. The king arose and said in a loud voice, "Listen! is it true, this thing that I have heard, that you, boaster, have called me, the king, your elder brother?" "Yes, O divine one, it is true." "And who has told you that you are my youngest brother?" asked the king. "Tow, O my Lord." "Nonsense! when did I say that to you?" "When we went to battle on O'ahu of Kakuhihewa you turned to us and said, Forward, my brothers, till you drink the bitter waters! and hearingthese gracious words, O king, has caused me to boast that I am your youngest brother. Forward we went together and drank the bitter waters." When the king heard this just reasoning, he laughed and bade his retainers prepare a feast for his youngest brother.