Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 00, Number 1, 1 Iune 1982 — "SONNY" KINNEY CHOSEN FOR BIG ISLAND SEAT [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


After considerable deliberation based upon a criteria and experience, the Board of Trustees of the Office of Hawaiian Affairs have selected Mr. Everett "Sonny" Kahiliokalani Kinney as interim appointee to fill the vacant Trusteeship of the island of Hawaii. The process old selection involved recommendations of many qualified candidates by residents and organizations of the island of Hawaii, and it emphasized the individual's abilities as well as service. Mr. Kinney, a native Hawaiian and a resident of Keeau, Hawaii, has a record of demonstrated administrative ability and experience, of political and community astuteness, and a sense of the immense responsibility for the betterment of native Hawaiians and Hawaiians. He has been deeply involved in the development of alternative energy of the island of Hawaii having servedas research project director of the Puna Hui Ohana and as a consultant for businesses and Government. Mr. Kinney has served several terms as Mayor of the town of Manorhaven, New York and also holds various undergraduate degrees from the University of Hawaii at Hilo. He has been extremely active in numerous Hawaiian and Civic Organizations here and on the mainland. The Board of Trustees 'oelieve his appointment will continue proper representation of the residents of the island of Hawaii, and will broaden and enhanee the operation of the Board.