Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 2, 1 March 1982 — NATIVE HAWAIIAN STUDY COMMISSION SURVEY [ARTICLE]

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Thc purpose of this survcy is to gather mana'o from thc Hawaiian community. Thc results will assist OHA in preparing its testimony for the Native Hawaiian Study Commission and in formulating future plans. INSTRUCTIONS: INDICATE RESPONSE BY PLACING AN "X" IN THE APPROPRIATE BOX OR BOXES. • Age of Respondent: • Sex of Respondent: 1) □ 18-29 1) □ Male 2) □ 30-44 2) □ Female 3) □ 45-54 4) □ 55-64 5) □ 65 and over • Island of Residence of Respondent: 1) □ Hawai'i 5) □ O'ahu 2) □ Maui 6) □ Kaua'i 3) □ Moloka'i 7) □ Ni'ihau 4) □ Lāna'i • Respondent's Percentage of Hawaiian Ancestry: 1) □ Less than 50% 2) □ At least 50% but less than 100% 3) □ 100% • Number of Registered Voters in Household (including yoursel0: □l □ 3 □ 5 □ 7 □ 9 □ 2 □ 4 □ 6 □ 8 □ 10 or more 1. Do you feel that the United States government should formally acknowledge its role in the overthrow of the Hawaiian monarchy? 1) Yes 2) No 3) No Opinion 2. Do you feel that some form of reparations/restitution is due the Hawaiian people? 1) Yes 2) No 3) No Opinion 3. Previous settlements to other Native American groups have taken the form of land, money, and/or federally funded programs. If a settlement is made to the Hawaiian people, whieh form or forms would you prefer? (INDICATE ONE OR MORE) 1) Land only 2) Money only 3) Land and money 4) Programs directly benefitting Hawaiians 5) Other (specify) 6) No Opinion MAIL OR BRING COMPLETED SURVEY TO: Office of Hawaiian Affairs 567 South King Street Suite 100 Honolulu, Hawai'i 96813 PLEASE RETURN ALL COMPLETED FORMS BY APRIL 26, 1982. MAHALO!

This special edition of Ka Wai Ola O OHA(The Living Water ofOHA) is published the Office of Hawaiian Affairs, 567 So. King Street, Suite 100, Honolulu, Hawaii 96813. Telephone 548-8960. Board olTrnstces Mrs. A. Frcnchy DeSoto Chairperson & Trnstee-At-Large

?lr. ?loscs h. neale, »r. Vice Chairperson & Trustee froin Kaua'i and Ni'ihau Mr. Petcr H. Apo Trustee from O'ahu ?Ir. Hov L. Henhain Trustee-At-Large Mr. Kodnev K. Burgess. III Trustee-At-Largc

?Ir. Iliomu» n. nuillMKlikul, »r. Trustee-At-Large Mr. Joscph G. Kealoha, »Jr. Trustee from Maui Mr. TValter L. Kitte, tlr. Trustee from Moloka'i Dr. A. Leiomalunia Solumon Trustee from Hawai'i Edwiu P. Auld. Administrator

Editorlal Staff Plam Hueh Kekumano Public Information Officer Brian Onaga- Graphics Comments, inquiries and letters accepted at the above address.

OFFICE OF HAWAIIAN AFFAIRS 567 So. King Street Honolulu, Hawaii 96813