Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 2, 1 March 1982 — The Current Status of the Native Hawaiian Study Commission [ARTICLE]

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The Current Status of the Native Hawaiian Study Commission

T X he Native Hawaiian Study Commission is still very mueh in the throes of their work to study the needs and concerns of native Hawaiians. For the next six to eight months, the commission's work will be carried on by two committees. The first committee chaired by Commissioner Diane Morales with Commissioner Winona Beamer serving as Vice Chairperson will focus on the socio-eco-nomie and cultural needs of Hawaiians — health, education, employment and legal areas will be examined and reviewed. Another important task of this committee will be to give mueh attention to the historical and cultural traditions of native Hawaiians with specific emphasis on art, history, religion, dance, music, literature, customs, architecture among others. The second committee, chaired by

Commissioner Carol Dinkins with Commissioner H. Rodger Betts serving as Vice Chairperson will focus on federal, State and loeal relationships to assess the issues of American involvement in the loss of the Hawaiian Kingdom; to review and to identify federal and private interactions with those concerns. These two committees will be assimilating, reviewing and analyzing facts and information for the first draft findings to be completed approximately by August 1982. The draft will be available for review to any organization or individual for a period not to exceed 60 days. A request for the draft ean be made by contacting the: Native Hawaiian Study Commission P.O. Box 5024 Honolulu, Hawaii 96850 Phone: 546-3180 Contact: Linda Delaney, Director or The Office of Hawaiian Affairs Phone: 548-8960 Contact: IrmaP. Sai,NHSC Coordinator