Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 2, Number 1, 1 January 1982 — MAUI [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

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People eame from Kaupo, Keanae, Kahakuloa Valley, and a bus load from Hana! Not one or two, but families turned out for the meeting, whieh was conducted very intellectually. In all, over 400 attended with 38 people testifying. I've had several calls congratulating OHA on their part in this program. Kupunas called saying, "Mahalo nui loa, keikiwahine, for speaking our Hawaiian language to greet our visitors." lt made them feel represented. Singing the song "E Kolu Mea Nui" about faith, hope, and charity, to open our meeting also met with the approval of our kupunas. Aunty Pua Lindsey from Lahaina shared her mana'o by saying "1 know something good will eome from this!" Georgina Shito, Communify Information Specialist on Maui