Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 2, Number 1, 1 Ianuali 1982 — Hawaiʻi Lōkāhi [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
Hawaiʻi Lōkāhi
The month of January was a hectic one for the • l^HL MR ,^v trustees and staff of OHA. In preparation for the J ■» • JRjU public hearings scheduled by the Native S j|HH Hawaiian Study Commission, a series of 19 jHA V cVjf informational hearings were held by OHA (0F ■! throughout the state to inform the Hawaiian 8H t^Hf> people about the Study Commission and OHA's position. OHA s position that the root cause of ^k our problems as Hawaiians was the illegal over- JĒĒ throw of our sovereign nation by a small ambi- WE HHl | tious group of ruthless thieves was supported by the overwhelming numbers of Hawauans who M aĒK^ He^^' turned out in force at both the OHA informa- fl tional meetings and the Commission hearings. In ■ ^ keeping with the spirit of our trust mandates, H OHA trustees testified at eaeh one of these hearmgs held. Here is a pictorial essay of those three
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