Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 2, Number 1, 1 Ianuali 1982 — Planning and Development Seeks To Conduct Comprehensive Census [ARTICLE]
Planning and Development Seeks To Conduct Comprehensive Census
The major legislative proposal coming out of OHA's planning and development program is a funding request of $150,000 to conduct a census and needs assessment survey of native Hawaiians and Hawaiians. Rationale for this survey is based on OHA's analysis of currently available data, whieh revealed the laek of accurate and up-to-date information on the demographics and needs of the Hawaiian people. The survey will specifically provide the following: l.An accurate estimate of the number of native Hawaiians and Hawaiians in
the State; 2.Geographic distribution of the native Hawaiian and Hawaiian population; 3.A demographic profile of the native Hawaiian and Hawaiian population; 4.Identification of the physical, sociological, psychological, and eeonomie needs of the native Hawaiian and Hawaiian population. This information will provide OHA with a basis for formulating policy and developing a master plan to assist program planning efforts. Continued on Page 8
Legislative Package (Continued from Page 7)
Administration Seeks Funds
Based on its need to expand program services to native Hawaiian and Hawaiian beneficiaries, OHA is proposing a substantial increase in its operating budget for the current fiscal year '82-83'. Because this is a "money" session, competition for funds will be fierce, and therefore, OHA will need the total support of the Hawaiian community to insure that major cuts in its budget are not made by the legislature. In addition to the budget request, OHA is proposing legislation to create a Hawaiian Affairs Trust Fund whieh could be used by OHA to provide services to Hawaiians (less than 50% blood quantum). Presently, OHA is restricted from providing more direct service to Hawaiians because monies appropriated from the Public Land Trust Fund (created by the Section 5(f) provision of the Admission Act of 1959) ean only be used for programs benefiting native Hawaiians (50% or more blood quantum). Essentially, OHA is requesting that $10 million in State surplus funds be used to establish the Hawaiian Affairs Trust Fund. If established, the monies derived from this fund could be used for both Hawaiian and native Hawaiian beneficiaries.