Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 1, Number 1, 1 Iune 1981 — Who Are The Trustees? [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Who Are The Trustees?

Oath Of Reaffirmation For OHA Trustees

VJe, the Trustees of the Office of Hawaiian Affairs /iereby reaffirm our commitment to the Hawaiian people. In doing so, we humbly accept the responsibility giuen us by Nā Po'e O Hawai'i Nei. We will remember and honor God, our Kupuna, Nā 'Aina, Nā Kahakai, Nā Moana, Nā E'a and all the natural elements whieh sustain and nourish our people. We hereby commit ourselues to work earnestly with our fellow Trustees in your behalf, to listen with an open mind, to speak with an honest heart and to carry out our responsibilities with wisdom, humility and strength. These thirigs we do solemnly swear . . .

RoyaI Guards stand proud beside the portrait of our be!oved Queen Lili'uokalani during the Inaugration Ceremonies of the Board of Trustees at lolani Palaee. Photo by Pipi Wakapama.