Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 1, Number 1, 1 June 1981 — Report From The Administrator [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

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Report From The Administrator

by Edwin P. Auld

I was appointed by the Board of Trustees in December 1980. As the Administrator, I serve as the Executive Officer in charge of implementing the policies and programs developed by the Board of Trustees. Since assuming this position, my immediate priorities and objectives have been: (1) to establish necessary office facilities from whieh the office ean carry out its functions (2) to hire staff necessary for the office to establish its programs and plans, and

(3) to create efficient operating procedures in order that the office ean function efficiently. The office is presently located in the Kawaiahao Plaza at 567 South King St. This site was selected for its central loeation and close proximity to the Central Munieipal District. However, another important consideration was the favorable lease terms extended by the Trustees of the Bishop Estate/Kamehameha Schools. Our present lease agreement allows us the flexibility of growth as we develop while not committing us to a long-term contract if we find it advisable to relocate as early as June of 1982. I have found the hiring of staff a very enlightening experience as hundreds of applicants have eome forth seeking the opportunity to serve the Hawaiian eom-

munity with their many qualifications and talents. We have, after mueh deliberation and consideration, selected staff members who will be a source of pride for the Hawaiian people. Our organization is designed to best serve the Standing Committees of the Board of Trustees. There are eight divisions with various functions as follows: Administratiue Seruices Diuision — responsible for supporting our operation administratively and headed by Mr. Martin Wilson. Cultural, Education, Health and Human Resources Diuision — responsible for supporting the three Standing Committees in developing and implementing programs in these areas. This division is headed by Mr. William Tagupa.

Eeonomie Deuelopment Diuision — responsible for supporting our Standing Committee on Eeonomie Development in developing and implementing programs. Mr. James Moa heads this division. Land and Natural Resources Diuision — responsible for supporting our Standing Committee on Land and Natural Resources and headed by Mr. Stephen Kuna. Gouernmental Affairs Diuision — responsible for developing and maintaining OHA's relationships with all governmental bodies, including federal,

state and county levels. This division is also responsible for supporting our Ad hoe Committee on Reparations. Mr. Frcincis Kauhane heads this division. Planning and Deuelopment Diuision — headed by Mr. Sam Apuna, this division is responsible for developing major planning efforts for the office as well as assisting the other divisions in developing plans of action in their areas. Grants Diuision — responsible for securing grants from various sources for projects and programs to be conducted by OHA as well as assisting individuals in securing grants for their individual projects. This division is headed by Mr. Ben Henderson.

Community lnformation Diuision — responsibie for the dissemination of information concerning OHA as well as gathering information from loeal communities relevant to OHA. We presently have Community Information Specialists on eaeh island who serve their individual eommunities in this capacity. At present, I personally head this division. The first seven months of OHA's existence have been months of growth, change and adjustment. Now that the office is comfortably situated, the staff is hired and equipment is purchased, we feel confident that we ean proceed smoothly to carry out the mandates set forth for OHA in the State Constitution.

Mrs. A. Frenchy DeSoto Trustee-At-Large Chairperson Mr. Moses K. Keale, Sr. Trustee from Kaua'i and Ni'ihau Vice Chairperson Mr.Peter K.Apo Trustee from O'ahu Co-Chairperson, Standing Committee on Education Mr.Roy L. Benham Trustee-At-Large Co-Chairperson, Standing Committee on Eeonomie Development Chairperson, Ad Hoe Committee on Education Mr. Rodney K. Burgess III Trustee-At-Large Chairperson, Standing Committee on Land & Natural Resources Mr. Thomas K. Kaulukukui, Sr. Trustee-At-Large Chairperson, Standing Committee on Health & Human Resources Mr. Joseph G. Kealoha, Jr. Trustee from Maui Co-Chairperson, Standing Committee on Eeonomie Development Chairperson, Standing Committee on Budget and Finance Chairperson, Ad Hoe Committee on Reparations Mr. Walter L. Ritte, Jr. Trustee from Moloka'i Chairperson, Standing Committee on Culture Dr. A. Leiomalama Solomon Trustee from Hawai'i Co-Chairperson, Standing Committee on Education