Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 1, Number 1, 1 October 1980 — Strong Voter Turnout Critically Needed [ARTICLE]
Strong Voter Turnout Critically Needed
With only a few days left until the all-important election of the OHA Board of Trustees, Hawaiian community leaders are strongly urging all 54,000 plus registered voters not to fail in this momenL With the kind of last-minute surge in registration surprising even the most enthusiastic of the registrars, there still remains a kind of apprehension that somehow, something might affect the critically needed turnout at the last minute. Senator Daniel K. Inouye said recently in a speech, "... I wam you that if the turnout for the OHA elections is a small one, you may set back your cause for generations . . . it is just that simple!" Additionally, Chief Justice of the State Supreme Court, William S . Richardson, has said, "You may choose, for
whatever reason, not to vote, not to participate in the political process. But in doing so, you should realize that you make a ehoiee not only for yourself, but also for your children and their chi!dren. If OHA fails for laek of support from the Hawaiian community, there will be no second ehanee for you or the Hawaiian for generations to eome." Both Senator Inouye and Chief Justice Richardson are urging Hawaiians to VOTE on November4. A strongturnouL in their opinions, will set the tone for the future oL OH A. Community leaders and kupuna statewide are also urging all Hawaiians to VOTE. November4 will mark the birthdate of the baby, OHA. Hawaiians should pay tribute to this great gift of "lokahi" and VOTE. Please KOKUA November 4.