Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 1, Number 1, 1 October 1980 — Kauai Leads All Islands [ARTICLE]
Kauai Leads All Islands
Congratulations and thanks are in order for the island of Kaua'i's OHA volunteers and registrars who managed to enroll 2955 out of a possible 3097 or 95.4% total. This outstanding effort is a clear sign of Kaua'i's involvement, and dedication to the birth of OHA on November 4, 1 980. All of the registrars on all of the islands made a surge of concentrated effort from mid-June, when the total count was a dismal 8,000, pushing the total over the 54,000 mark. Although the final registration is not confirmed at this time, according to the Lt. Governor's office, it is aeeurate enough to show the following percentages: Hawai'i: 7482 or 13,654 or 54.8% Maui: 4937 of 6710 or 73.6% Lana'i: 78 of 240 or 32.5% Moloka'i: 1318 of 2030 or 64.9% O'ahu: 37346 or 66498 or 56.1% Kaua'i: 2955 of 3097 or 95.4%
Although this extraordinary registration effort is eommendable, the final and most important step still remains — VOTE ON NOVEMBER 4.