Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 1, Number 1, 1 ʻOkakopa 1980 — Page 7 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

SIDE 1 BTATf O' HAWAH ^ OFFICIAL BALL0T BOARD 0F TRUSTEES 0FFICE 0F HAWAIIAN AFFAIRS ELECTI0N TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 4,1980 ma mua 0 ke koho 'ana, e n5na i nA 1 ao 'ao_ 'ELua o nī pāloka 'elua i kakau ' ia mi ka ma luna This siub sMU £* remove<3 by the £lect»on Ofl»Ci«l only I 1 nā moho kahuwaiwai 0 ke ākea mai no ke koho 'ana mai ke ākea mai 'a'ole e koho ma 'o aku 0 'eha 1 aia_he kanawalu moho n0_ 'eha noho 'oihana 0 ke akea mai . ua pa'i 'ia nā in0a_0 nā moho he kanawalu ma na 'ao'ao 'elua 0 na pāloka 'elua i kākau ' ia me ka "a" ma luna 'a'ole e koho ma 'ō aku 0 'ehā aia nā inoa moho ma nā 'ao'ao 'elua 0 nā pāloka 'elua i kākau ' ia me ka "a " ma luna L (ma 'ō) \Hfl01

WHO MAY VOTE: All persons of Hawaiian ancestry who have registered by October 6, 1980 may vote in the OHA election at the same time and plaee as the General Election.

IN THE VOTING BOOTH: 1 . Snap off the top of the ballot and remove your three OHA ballots 2. READ THE INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY AND LOOK AT BOTH SIDES OF THE OHA BALLOTS. BALLOT CARD "A" 1 . Two ballot cards marked A will hold the namesof eighty (80) candidates running for the four (4) "AT LARGE" seats. 2. Look at both sides of two cards before punching your choices. 3. VOTE FOR NOT MORE THAN FOUR (4) CANDIDATES. BALLOT CARD "B" 1 . Ballot card B contains the names of the candidates for eaeh of the five island residency seats. 2 . Voters on all islands may vote for not more than one candidate from eaeh of the five islands: Hawai'i, Kaua'i, Maui, Moloka'i, and O'ahu. 3. VOTE FOR NOT MORE THAN ONE (1) CANDIDATE FROM EACH ISLAND.