Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Volume LXII, Number 15, 12 ʻApelila 1923 — STATEMENT OF OWNERSHIP MANAGEMENT, CIRCULATION. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


Nupepa Kuok-a, "VVeekly. Editor, Solomou Hanohauo. Būsiness Mānager, C. S. Carne, Publishers: The Advertistr Publiahing Co., Ltd. Ownei'a: Stockholders holding 1 per c.ent or more o£ total amount of stock: L. A. Thurston, Honolulu. C. S. Crane, Honolulu. Mrs. A. W. Pearson, Honolulu. Edward Dekum, Honolulu. G. L. Samson Honolulu. Bondholdērs, Motgagēs and other sesurity holders: None. * CHARLES S. CABNE, Manager. Sworn and subscribed t6 ltefore me this 7th day of April, 1923. D. S. K. PAHU, Notary Public for t,he First Circuit, Territory of Ilawaii. My commiBsion expires .Tune 30, 1923.