Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Volume LXI, Number 24, 15 June 1922 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
NEW PALAMA THEATER Sabati lune 18.—Dorothy Dalton, Mildred Harris and Theodore Kosloff in the Cecil B. De Mille super-special ''Fool's Paradise"; one reel of comedy. Poakahl, lune 19.—Prank Mayo in "Doctor Jim"; two reels of Western, " Old Dynamite"; one reel of comedy. Poalua, luna 20.—8i1l Patton and Oarlyn Wagner and an all star cast in "Outlawed;" Busaer veaton in "Convict 13"; Fox News Weekly. Poakolu, lune 21.—Viola Dana in"The Match Breaker;" Eddie Polo in Chapter 16 of "King of the Circus"; one reel of comedy. Poaha, lune 22.—Clara Kimball Young in "What No Man Knows"; . Chapter 9of " Fantamas." Poalima, luna 23.—Jack Pickford in"The Man Who Had Everything"; Harry Sweet in "A Week Off"; Mutt and Jeff, animated cartoons. Poaono, lune 24.—George Walsh in "Number 17;" Art Acord in Chapter 10 of "The White Horseman"; two reel of comedy. Hoikeike ao: 5, 10, 20 Keneka; Po. 10, 15, 20, 30 Kencka. LIBERTY THEATER Sabati lune 18.—Ethel Clayton in "Her Own Money"; Century Comedy, "Tin Cans"; Pathe Newß Weekly. Poakahi, lune 19.—Poalua, Poakolu, Hoikeike ao wals no, "Her Own Money", "Tin Cans", and Pathe News; aiahi, Ekolu Po ma Hawaii" e haawiia ana e ka Ahahui Lunalilo 6600, A. O. F., ame kona mau ahahui lala. Poaha, lune 22.—Poalima, Poaono Clara Kimball Young in "Charge It"; Sunshine comedy, "False Alarm"; Pothe News Weekly. Ukukomo: 25, 40 Keneka; Noho i hookaawaleia, 60c. EMPIRE THEATER Sabati, lune 18, Poakahl—"The Branding Iron," all star cast; Buster Keaton in "Convict 13"; Fox News Weekly Poakolu, lune 21, Poaha, Poalima PoaonoWilliam Kussel in 'Colorado Pluck"; Art Acord in Chapter 12 of "The Whit* Horseman;" Fox News Weekly. Ukukomo: 15, 25, 40 Keneka; Ukuia ka auhau kaua. STRAND THEATER Babati, lune 18, ame Poakahi—Richardson Brothers and Cherie in vaudeville; Prevoßt in "A Parisian Scandal;" two reela of Western, "The Brand of Courage;" International News Weekly. Poalua, lune 20, ame Poakolu—Richardson Brother and Cherie in vaudeville; Wanda Hawley in"The Love Charm"; Silson Sedgwick in Chapter 12 of "The Diamond Queen;" International News Weekly. Poalima Poano—Alice Lake in"The in the Wall;" u pwr ~ Mutt and Jeff animated cartoons. Ukukomo: 15, 25, 40 K«3»ka; 5S # I: a V HE IKAIKA NUIILOKO KELA AME KEIA KULU Oka "RED CROWN" ka mca hoo ko aku ike kauoha a ka Enckinin ot< no kekahi aila kaa moto c hoohikiwaw koke ana i ka puka oka malm nic k kailike maloko o kc carburetor, a pah holookoa ae maloko oka ipu mahu. ( kela ame keia kulu lie 100% ka ikaik Hoopiha i kau ipu aila me ka "Rcf Crown," aole me kekahi ano c ae, mi ia ano aohe mea hoopilikia mai ia o<! me na hooponopono ana me ke carbu retor. E loaa koke ana ia oe ka hikiwawe oka holo ana, e loaa ana ia oc nil mile oi aku oka maikai, me ka hau olio ka holo ana ma kau moto. E hoopiha ma kahi e kau ana ka ho ailona Red Crown —ma na halekua aila, ma na nalehana kaa, a i ole mr. kahi o kekahi poe kuai aila e ae. STANDARD OIL 001 Ka Gasolene Kaulana