Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Volume LIX, Number 15, 15 April 1921 — Page 8 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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STATEMENT OF OWNERSHIP. MANAGEMENT, CIRCULATION. Nupepa Kuokoa, W< ?klv. Editor, Solomon Han >haiio. Business Manager, 0. S. Crane. Publishers: The Advertiser Publishing Cb., Ltd. Owners: Stockholder ; holding 1 cent or more of total amount of stock: L. A. Thurston. Hon-lulu. C. S. Crane, Honolul i. Mrs. A. W. Pearson. Honolulu. Edward Dekum, Honolulu. G. L. Samson, Honolvlu. Bondholders. Mortgaros and other security holders: None. Averago number of copies of each issue of this publication sold or distributed, through the or otherwise, to paid subscribers, during the fix months preceding the date of this statement 5035. " CHARLES S. CRANE, Manager. Sworn and subscribed to before me this 7th day of Ap'il, A. T>. 1921. G. A. SEtfDE. Notary Public for the First Circuit, Territory of Haw-ni. jMy commission expires June 30, J921. Kauka Homer Hayes Hoolcliia ka heiu k-'lopona oka halenoho mai ka BSS9 n i ka 4445. 6446—Apr. 8, 15, 22.