Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Volume LVIII, Number 17, 23 ʻApelila 1920 — STATEMENT OF OWNERSHIP, MANAGEMENT, CIRCULATION. [ARTICLE]
js T upepa Kuokoa, weeklv. ]£(jitor,''9olomon,Hanohano'. ■•3BusiViesB Managev, C. S. Crane. • Publi3hers: The Advertiser PuWialiing Co., Ltcl. ' Owners: "Stoekholders holding 1 pei*, cent or nior6 of. total araoutft of stock: L. A. ThurBt«ii, Honolulii; ' . C. S. Oane, HonoluKi; - •M'm. A. W. Pearson, Honolulu; Edward Dekum> . ; G; L. ■•Sainson J Honolulii. •. Bo r ndhoklQi , s,v Mortgāges and ather ;security holdefs:' Node.' * Average iiu|iiber ot eopios of ea'eli issue of • this publieation • sold or distributed, through the mails or otherwise, to paid subseribers, during th-y six nionths pf(Jceding the dßte of thīs stutement, 4670. ■ . CHARLES S. CRA=NE T Manager. Sworn and .subseribed td Ucforc 1113 this lōth day of April» .1920. N CARLOS A. LONG, Nolhry PublicM'orV.tlio First. Circuit, Territory My comiiiissiou 30, 1920.