Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Volume LVII, Number 32, 8 ʻAukake 1919 — ACT 146. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

ACT 146.

| (H. B. No 293) ! An Act Appropriating the Sum of l Bix Thousand Dollars ($6000.00) or the Construction of Homestead Roads in - the Puukapa Homestead Tract, Waimea Koh'ala County of HaTraii. Be it Enccted by the Legisture of the Territory of Hawaii. ; Section 1. The aum of six thousand dollars ($6000.00) is hereby appropri-, ated out of any moneys in the treasury , of the Territory not otherwise «ppropriatēd for. the. coustruction of" roads in the Puukapu homestead tract, Waimea, Kohala, county of Ha-^aii. Section 2. The said sum of six thousand dollars ($6000.00) or so mueh thereof as may he u«ed in the eonstruction of said r<iads, shall be repaid into the treasury of the Territory 0 f Haweii by the commiBsionK? of- .pubKc lands from the f p?6i%eSS r offtsale, of govement ,lapds on the island of Hawaii. Section 3. The aaid roads ahall be constructed under the superviBon of the commissioner of public lands and by contract with the board of supervisors of thc county of Hawaii under the prpvisions of Act 6 of the Hpeeial Session Laws of 1918. Section 4. This Act shall toke effect upon its. approval. Approved tnis 2Cth day of April A. D. 1919. , C. J. McCARTHY, ■ Goveunor ot' the Territory of Hawaii.