Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Volume XLVI, Number 48, 2 December 1910 — HE KAUOHA MOREMONA E HOOKI HOUIA KA MARE LEHULEHU. [ARTICLE]

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Ma Loko Paakai, Uta, 7 i hoopukaia ae ai be Kauoha Pili Ekamai na luna kiekie ae ma o Peresidena F. M. Lyman o ka Papa Umikumamalua la, a he pani hakahaka hoi no ke kulana Kaula ma kahi o losepa Finiling Bmith no keia niua aku. "O na hoahanau Moremona apau loa le uhaki ana i keia kauoha, e ili aku 110 ka inaina o ka Ekalesia maluna ona." 0 keia a ? o a hana a&a i ka Mare [Lehulehu, ua lawelawe mua loa ia ia hana e Hairama Bslaunu i Feberuari 1, 1844, a no keia kanaka ka losepa Kamika i kauoha aku ai e Mki kin«j mai imua o ka Aha Kiekie loa o ka Ekalesia } ma ka la 6 o Aperila mai, a ina no kona ku i ka howa e iaweia kona kuiana hoahanau mai ka Ekalesia akn, me ka hooka'ulua ole, Ua apono loa ia keia keehina a kc Kaula losepa Kamika e na lunanui c ka Ek*]esia, na hoahanau ame ka lakon mau wahine i makee i ka naaemae c ko lakou inoa i kela ia oiai, o losepa Kamika e ola ana: he dima mahina mahop? mai o kela hoolaha ana, aka i kona make ana ua lilo ae la keia po< iunanui i poe a'o a haaa maoli ia hans e Hke me Briagham Yoong, John T«Ja Wi!for<l a hiki ia Peresi«le6s Smith o TJta i keia la. 1 A«s?ate 1552 i kuahaaa akea loa ia ai ke a 'o'na Mare Leholehu a Bnngfeai£ ¥<mng, maloko o ka Ekalesia ma Uta me ka iiele aiia e ao hewa aa ke Kan I» It.>sep:t Kamika keia olelo koike mai Ak«& mai, a oia iho !a se katau ho iao aui loa ia o keia « ko k(

»ei auae ko makoa Efcale#ia as»e k» Buke a Moremona oiai, o Eo&koo ie-| kahi m&eaoio ia Bak« ma ke ano o k» moolelo ta oke knka : i aia& »ke Aku*| me na kan&ka o ka kale « leeep* (oi*j na llikim) ma k& bapa |»oepoe Komob&na nei. | I ka ISSO 1 kukala mua. loa mai ai «! Pere?idena Wilford Woodmfif e hookiia ka ban& Mare Lehulehu e like loa zu> me keia mai la i keia la eia nae, aoie loa no i hoolohe ia aku ia maai olelo e J. F. Smith t oa mare ae m> oia i el& w»hine eono a loaa mai na keiki he 47 i keia ia 7 a oia nei no ka i hoo-] hiki aku imua o Senatoa Burrow ma na komite imi no ka hihia o Beed| Smoot mai nei He 3 makahiki i hala ae nei t & na ia nei no i olelo aku na kauoha mai ke Akua iaia e raare lehuiehu aku oia, a e hoomau akn i ke a'o ana pela, a oia no hoi kekahi e hni pu mai la ma keia kuahaua a&a. A no losepa Kamika hoi, aole loa he hookahi wahi hnaolelo ana i hoolaha ai e apono a e koeueu ana i keia hana mare leimlehu, koe wale no keia maii olelo moakaka o ke ku-e a hiki mai i keia hora penei: There shall not any man among you have save it be one. wife (published in 1830) "thou ehall love thy wife with all thy heart. and shall clea\*« unto her and none else.' ? (Published in 1831.) Marriage is Ordained of God wherefore it is lawful tliat he shonld have one wife (Published in 1831.) Senatoa Biiitow €ontrasts the twQ Churehes as follows: Judge Phillipe in the cireuit eourt in the Unifred States for the Western distriet of Mis6otiri Temple Lot Case said: Beyond all evil, if human testimonji is to placet any matter at rest, this church was one in doctrine, government, and purpose from 1830 to June, 1844, when Joseph Smith, its founder was killed. It hau the same federal head, governing bodies acd faith. Ihiring this period there was no sehism, no dissensions or affecting its oneness. The death of Joseph Smitli in 3844, however T carried disn»av and demirali* zation throughout the entire membership of the church scattering the adherents in divers directions. Eecovering, howe\-er, from the shock, the scattering bands soon reappeared in the various parts of country, promulgated their doctrines' and reorganized their scattered forees in what is now known and recognized as the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saint with headquarters at Lamoni, lowa, and presided over by Joseph Smith a son of the Prophet. The court have repeatedly declared this organization to be the legitimate successor of the original Mormon, and its adherents, numbering some 50,000 peaceable patrio tie and law abiding citizens scattering throughout the United States in small{ societies, conforming to the laws ofj tbeir country wherever they may be and adhering to the faith of the founder of their creed, repudiating and denouncing the doctrine of and its attending crinies. And in speaking of the Uta Church, tbe Brigham Young branch, Senator f Burrows said: An organization that fosters and encourages crime, tramples upon law, human and divine practiceit polygamy, and polygamous cohabitation, desecrates the home, debases man, degrades womanhood, debauches public morals, strikes at the Christian civilization of the age, undermines and shjjkes the foundation of society and govemment and brings the name and farae of the good people of Utah into disrepute, and shame and humiliation to the American people. O keia kanaka ae la aole loa oia he hoahanau noloko o keia mau £kalesia ae la, aka, he wahi senatoa wale iho no oia i loaa ka hanohano e hoolohe kaulike ana i na ike a na aoao elua ana e hoolohe ai, a o kana olelo hooholo ae la keia. A e o J u mau hoaloha Kristiano he hauoK nui au i keia hoopahulu ana mai la a na poo nui o ka Ekalesia o Uta he Olelo Hoike ka Mare Lehulehu na ke Diabolo aka, aole loa o'u manaoio iki na hiki i na alakai nui ke malama i keia kauoha hoehaa, o|ai he hoo* palaimaka wale no i ike mai na luna aupuni o Geremania a malia o ae ia mai kekahi misiona o lakon e komo aku ilaila. Me ka mahalo a nui loa i ka Luna* hooponopono. J. M. MAHUKA.