Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Volume XLVII, Number 2, 14 Ianuali 1910 — Page 6 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
f Fashionable Women Agree 1 that no other ready-towear shoes possess the dainhness and ehann of Women*s 1 Regal Shoes. The best-dressed women in New York, Chicago, San Francisco and J| other (ashion centres are wearing the same Regal styles we have here for your selection. l REGAL SHOES £\ § aTe celebrated for their custom style and quality. The new RegaJ styles are exact reproductions of exp>ensive custom raodeb, and they have the distinctive custom smartness whieh every I vl§ j!oa fashionable woman desires in her footwear. I M We give you an exaci fit in Reg?l Shoes» because they 'lp| [ij:j are made in quarter-sizes —]ust double the usual number of K shoe-fittings. If you want the very newest, smartest, abso- /( » lutely correct styies in footwear, eome to us for a pair of / / l/niiiii/ii • t 1 | Women s Regak y/ KUMUKUaI I I Halekuai f Kamaa Regal $3.soamas4 I « ALANUI MOI AME BETELA. I f s I