Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Volume XXXIX, Number 15, 15 March 1901 — NA MALIHINI I O KAKOU NEI. [ARTICLE]
Eia iho na inoa o na ohna 1 .īiki mai i [o kakou nei maluna o ka Mokuahi hou Sierra o ka Hui o rforecke)3 ma. a o ka hapa nui oia poe hte poe Mason iakou (Mui Mu) i holo mai nol t c kakou nei no ke Kukulu ana a hoolaa ana i hui Mu, hoii Maanei nona ka inoa "Aloha Trmple." Honolulu—Miss L. Anderson, H. Ashley and wife, Miss Ashley, J. T. Ashworth, L. W. Atkins, Jos. Aylor, J. B. Barnett and wife, R. C. Barr, Dr. L. Barth and wife, C. Becker, L. G. Bees, Dr. J. L. Benebe and wife, D. Benebe, Mrs. M. L. Bettis, F, W. Blaek, J. Black, Miss M. Blackman, J. Blakely, Dr. F. N. Bonine, J. R. Bordeaux, W. W. Branch and wife, J. F. Brown and wife, Dr. J. W, Brown, Dr. O. C. Bunting, J. S. Caldwell, Mrs. T. M. Callahan, D. F. Campbell, J. C. Campbeli and wife, Miss Campbell, R. F. Carr, Mrs. Ed. Chase, G. Chiera and wife. ,Chas. Chipman and wife, O. M. Clark, |Miss M. Clark, Jas. Clyne, Miss T. A. J. Coffee, D. L. Cornwall and ,wife, E. J. Cotton, B. Cramer, J. F. Car|ter and wife, H. A. Crawford, Miss A. Crawford, J. K. Crowflt and wife, Mr. W. H. Currier and wife, ;J. S. Curtis, B. L. Dewey, Mrs. J. Dickinson, G. D. Diefenderfer and wife, C. JV. Dykeman and wife, F. O. Evans and ( wlfe, Sam'l. Felt and wife, Jas. Fennell, Master Fennel, C. E. Fink, J. J. Fisher, ! J. L. Fuller, T. F. Garratt, S. S. Get'ehell, E. Gilbert, G. A. Gregg, Miss L, JHaag, Dr. T. S. Hacker, A. Halliday, jD. D. Hanpver, J. C. Herkner, L. C, j Hill and wife, J. D. Holsman, J. H ,lloward and wife, H. Howell, A. Hroimada and wife, C. A. Hungerford and jwife, W. G. P. Jacobs, N. J. Johnson ■S. Johnson, Mrs. G. P. Jones, Mrs. M, E. Jones, A. W. Judd, C. G. Judd, W, Karch, P. Kettemig and wife, King F. V. Knause, G. F. Kuhls, Miss C Kuhls, J. B. Lambie and wife, D. W Lawrence, R. T. Lees, F. W. Lewis ane wife, H. W. Lombard, K. A. Lott, J Lowell, F. W. Lyle, W. H. McGregor A. W. Miller, Mrs. J. F. Moore, J. C |Moore, A. E. Morey and wife, A. Morrison, Lewis Morrison, J. Mowat, L. G jNeville, J. H. Palin, St. C. Parry, S. S Patten, L. T. Peek and wife, Geo. H JPerry, Miss C. Perry, G. F. Peterson iW. F. Peterson and wife, S. R. Phelpi and wife, T. I. Phelps and wife, C. C Philbrick, Mrs. A. H. Piekena, F. T ;Pritchard and wtfe, Mrs. G. V. Purcell ,C. B. Qulgley and wife, J. M. Raymond G. N. Reichaxd and wife, Mrs. A lßelchard, S. G. Reynolds, Mrs. W. G 'ißogers, L. Rosenthal, J. B. Ross, B. W Roxvell, G. Schofleld, W. A7 Schreibei and wife, H. Setzer, Jr., C. L. Sherwood IJ. L. M. Shetterly and wife, R. D. Silli man, G. F. Sinclalr and wife, Miss C L. Smlth, E. Smith, M. Smith, A. C Spring, K. H. Stafford. N. A. Stoddard J. M. Stover and wife, T. W. Strahai and wife, Miss N. Strahan Dr. I. A Thompson, E. W. Tucker, H. G. Vai Court, Dr. E. Van Slyke, B. E. Vaughr and wife, Jno. Waddell and wife, Dr [T. A. Wagner, Master Wa*ner, J. A .*Walcott, F. Walsen and wife, E. M
Walsh, Col. T. B. Warren and wife, Miss Warren, J. H. Watson, Wm. Went and wife, W. A. Whitman and wife, T. J. Winkler, Lou. B. Winsor, H. F. Wood and wife, L. E. Wood, C. S. Wright, Miss H. Wright, Miss M. A. Wylie. I