Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Volume XXIX, Number 45, 8 November 1890 — Our English Column. [ARTICLE]

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Our English Column.

"/* y'"J< th Prrpar< for Manh/^4.


Here 1% «tory ( ? n-y young fr;end%, «hkh I h*ve fv>und. ar.d I think wjl! <*t you a thin*ing It i% aVKKit Thf > \Vm< I)n Hi- Br t He 1% hj* beM. that v x?etn yearoM. <ttu htd eu! Uf.re a bf:gV. f.rc in thc n'd %hni. Lying utxnan r"d *V-ej*kjn *."h Jy>.kin hand. be ?ettT-c trjly t% »f he wrrc sj:isr,; a! a prct!v deik in a f*7ne ** *) r K>) t Hc hw txrsU to », th:% }> >y r.a*jde, -iv he he'p« hi* get ready !he shcepskin* and lamh *kir,* dyein;\ v» tSi! !hey rn;»\ I»e ir»adt* intr. lea?bcr He make.« nnvtakc>i m hi< wfj'i. as he doc* not !»ke »t w«. i; a* he !ike« !> «Judy fireek and La!in *!iK he d< e* h;* N:s! 'Scc tr;crr, \ourg ' < alk; ou! the tanr-cr, "v«-e h »« you arr mmn,: u{» thc w k»!v " C a :dc'< wit. ♦ th'. vhts «ere vurc>. "w .olhrr»r■ r hr w;-s rot * the| *'K) 1 in ihe wav j •'\vr, .r.sir." rrp'nrd r a dr. "Hm! 1 *r,, 'ix thnn a'l and he q»t ! . k-j ~<•? to wr rk to r< rrcct hi« J "Hc :i ri. vcr make a ?inntT,' said < ?0 wife, "and I f .■»* he wi'l nc%cr l>c »!>'c to r.irn h.i i>rr.ui. "v ; r? «-n >t h;s w,t. , "and %f-t ho is ; ).»d aml at:«l r,i r t 'ivcs !»»< k .1 word to al! \T-.r -• ' And in aU-r ycars whrn thf>f )irrs <r;v '? ri»any nir e !:■ >m < thrv of !ht-e wi rd*. Oni* cvninji thcrc r,mn: .i s »' rniy wiml, ar.d thc lit!'c s?rt'.itn thc tann<*r tssctl to w.t!i hih wooi ujx>n tht skm<». ri»«cn into .in f! >od If »nv one s!i >uid trv to 1 rfiHs it ,u th,>! timc, he wou!d hr s«n:j>t d'»wn thc trcam, att<! he d,.shcd in j»'k-« pcr haj s, uj»on thr rorks. "Wc m:j<? all thr skins mio tfu* ,h(■•<!," s,ud (iisj>ard to ("M'u!**. "a st rrn is nc»r .it htr»l " I' cy f.: i-hc<! th.it t.isV, ard (*»js|..;rd w.is ab•: ! > rc*urn to hts 1 .ind <'I.omlo to his s)ict!, w|irn tlir l>o« i ri' d out, "Sur' ,1 y I hrarda<rv S 'līk* one is tr\ j to r r<»ss ?h: sfrcam." And in an inst.ir,f hr r,»n t<»w.ird thi* f •' lowtd h» his tn.is!fr thc l.infr: I» S itnc <•< thc folks werc a!rc.i<!> thcr<*. .»n<l a r»>pc was tic<l around thc wjist of thc bravc l>oy, who w,l s rcady to j>!>ingc into thc roarw,»trrs, f.»r a m.in upon hc>rsc!«:.< k was svcn « oniing (iown thc strcnm, and b >th h<»rsc and rider wcrc c\h.u»s?od. ( 'lauile s»n ce(!r<l in j»rasj>in£ the bridlc rcin, and thc stron>? hands of thc m.istcr that he!d the rodc. drcw him to thc shorc, and all werc s.ivcd. Soon after, thc <tran<cr sj»t by the tanncr's < hrertul tW(\ 'j')itc w<>n thc luarts ol thr g<> d man aiui hw wile by his kind antl jM>htr manncrs. "Wh.it < .»n l tL» L>r vour brav»: boy?" he .>sVcd. "Hc's none of o«trs, and not u'Ueh «rcdit will he bc to ,myonc, we fcar He wastn too mvu h time « ver t:sc!ess books." wan the rep!y of thc honcst t»nnrr, wlio rould not see what [>ossiblc usc ( 'laudc's *tudies wou!d l>e to hini. "May I <ce thc books?" a*kcd the strangcr. riaudr. l>cing caPcd, brought his 1 atin and T.reek books, and stood with downcast head. c\|>ec:ting to bc *< o!ded. Uut instead of heinii si\>!ded, he reccivcd words of praisc from the | gcnt!cman who, after somc talk, andj

manv v}ucstion% was vcry mueh a»tonishctl at thc kno»lcd>;t* the hoy had U (, tA lew months a»er thi*. Claude hjve k'en »oen in a hne housc in the city Paris» the house of the gcnt)eman whewe life he had savcd, and who had heeome fnend and henekctor. The boy feU that he had done hin dutv, aud that he had received mueh in return, and he determmed to do hisbeu to meet the hopes of his friend. And he *uccccded. Claude, the boy who did hi? best, becamc the mo»t celebratfd ljit»n and Tircek schotar of his !ime, When he was twcnty five vears old he was made profcssor of Greek in the Royal l\»Hege V*ri\ More than thi*, he bccame a man who fcared i»\vd, and was mueh belovcd for his goodness. He ne*cr forgot hi* furm«r master and wife. The'r o!d ajie was made chcerful by m*ny frum the man who, when « bcy. studied so diligentlr by the fire of their old shcd, but who "would never make a tanner."

Now, youiig fricnds, Uoele Ph»l wiots to uy 10 yo«, thit oo son will be a f4llure who »lw»ys doc* bis, or hcr, best »t *ny work th<y may do: but when tbcy do ***** A"A in th« work that is /ir tk*ir mmdtrsf**dmgs t thcn tbcy »re more swtmsf*l I will fill up thi« eolumn vith •onae funny little ftory-ettm* 1

Osn O'** Thhs<-. L«ckisc Mr J-joe« had married lit?k? Johnnr*< majden aon;. and th«r were at the «edd»rg b*eakfaVu Litt*je Tohnny :to hif £rand fjtber; — When are too po;ng to brgin 00 him, cran<Spa ? (iramlpa—Bf£in on wbo. Johnny? On Mr. Jooe*. I hcard 70*3 grar<!*na he vouldVt bc w bad if <o\dd >n'v pot lome braim in him. BrfaUa>t was fim%hed wtthoot loha WH> Nct ? A !stt'.e ?hree year o'.d girl went 10 a ehj'fi*en'% pitfy one afternoon. C>n her retum »he v»id to her parenis: "A? ihe parry a liti!e p r". feil throrigh a rhair !o the ūooī. Ail the other girV !a<:#bed, but I did"nL~' "We!l, why did'nt voa Uogb V " X aose I *i* the owe who UV> thxoogh."" A fii B'»> eame home from !H-bool, one day, very mt;rh excit«d, and !oid hss father that he I>elieTed ail human be»rg< were devended from monkeys, whi< h made tbe c!d man so wi!c! that he rep!ied angri;y - "Thit may be tbe < ase with ?.>//, r. ! wj'h w'. I ean t«r!I you t>urt