Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Volume XXIX, Number 44, 1 Nowemapa 1890 — Our English Column. [ARTICLE]
Our English Column.
"/n }V»<M prrf>are f> r Manhwi. j t"NCI K I'HII.> I>LSK. 1 ve t>O « !»•■>*• *■ d £ r ? *re lookmg >nt > thr ''Er£>h < ljrr,rt to day to M€ tf ihe re#t "i rv jSwt Jc*nathan Prv .1 thrrc ev. »<tft U i*. and »fi~T l'noe Ph:l *r ttcn »t, if there 1* any p«»rc itft in the co!u»nn. he wiU te ; i yoa *orocUi»n« ci*e worth knowtng. We )eft Jonaihan and thc threc h:tie in the wi*h rooni, where Mr». l ompkm* t H . > i vght they wouW t>c *afe. Well. aftcr *ccrs the f #ur chiidren a!l <ife ir» thc wa*h r< on, the v <»cty al» went haek to thc r work. Thcy wcre making a pat<rh w<>rk hcd quilt, »ltt*r a pattcrn railed thc "Biazing St*r . Tbey wcrc « »ng to make a pre*crt of i: to thc Kcv N'ehe nuh l i;bb\ «ho was
goirig a* a mi«ionjr> to Siam Mr. r,ray s t in a r ckiog chair, rovercd wjth rcd icathcr, and rcad out of a b ok r il!ed "Histj»ry of thc lion' Mr% Tonipkin« eut out patches and iistcnc(l with one ear to Mr (iray, while wnh thc othcr shc !i»tcncd for any •»ound* from the waih<room. In the wa<»h-room Jonathan p!ayed horse on thc jx>undcr, whi!e thc threc littie h irls sit on thc b ttorn of a big tul> "It *mcl!s *ct, and !ike Monday. out hcrc," !»aid Ros».* f with gre»t sc rn "When I grow up l'H treat !ittlgir!* like I do ladies. That is f if I evcr t thcm to bc ladics," said Aliee. "Wc i:an't do nuMin' hcrc," said Ma tilda, with a *igh. "I wondcr what thcy 'sj>c< ted wc'd do uff hcrc alone." "I tcll you what I'm a-guin' to d->," said Jonathan ro!!iug the p >umlcr m front of thcin. "I'm a goin' to oj»cn evcry door here, and scc »f I ran't see a sufftn." That'il !>e prying, Jonathan Jaiiics c;ray," said Matilda "You know what Papa said."
"No, 't won'l," said Jonath.in "Papa docs so hisself. Vestcrday he eame into tho> settin' room aiul lookcd into all thc cupbojrds; and when mamn>a ankcd him whu he wantcd, he just !a(fcd, and said, 'l n» on a voyage of disrubbcry.' Sr>, Tilda (»ray !" I ho f»rst door opcncd, only lcd into a < losct in whieh wcre a fcw boards and lome ncwspapcrs. 'l'he ncxt duor opcncd on a flight of stairs. "That's the (el!ar," said Aliee. "f»irls arc always 'fraid," said Jonathar». "I'm a-goin* thosc stairs." 'fraid yourself, when you're home" said Matilda.
"I ncver was 'fraid," .s iid Jonathan; oney I nevt r car<rd about goin' down. That'* all." M li's dark, and it gocs down, M said Aliee; but when thc re»t hcgan to g.i down, »hc followed along. Ttocy wandered nbout among the emi)ty apple and |K.tato bins (.1 bin is 1 box in whieh vegctablcs and grain arc kept) for a fcw romutes, and then found thcir way into a lar>jer and lightcr room, whieh had a smocth stone l!oor. Around the room wcre many shclvcs In the niiddle of thc roocn was a long shelf that w.19 t>xcd so it would swing. On it wcre somc pana. Beneatb it waa an empty butter tuU Jonathan was standing on the firkin in a momeM, and by standing on his toes, reached over thc edge of one of thc pana. u Coolii«$»" $aid he.
"(iive us some," said Matiida. "No ma'am, that's stcaling, M satd he, as he pushed the tub along to see what else therc was. Again he stood on his loea,' his chuboy fingers just over the cdge of anothcr pan, when crash went the head of the buttcr tub, and with a drcadful noise, whieh madc all the ladtes in thc parlor above jump to their fcet, down eame the panfull of eggs. Thty broke upoo the floor aml upon Junathan who stood roaring in the brokcn tub. M Yoo awful boyr cried Mrs» Tom|> kins. * 4 AU my fresh eggs are broken, and it's a comicg wtnter. Oh! you awful boy. M "How could you be so naughty. JonathacK H said his mothcr. But Mr. Gray, when he aaw Jonathan, bunt into a loud laugh, and laugbed till the tean ran down h» eheeki, and wet hia specocles. And ihe *ewing aociety, standing 00 the eellar iiain laughed too; Jonatban looked •0 funny with his head all covered wiih broken egga.
Thai night, wheo ]oaatfan lay in hii Uttlc bed, his (ather eame «od sat by him an hour, aod uiked to him »0 that he lay avake focakmg tiroe, «oodexiog ho« liule boy« m* grew lougoodmeo. Ju«t bcforehe vent to«leep> hia moCher heard him say, M Oetr God, ifyou eao lake the pry out of a bof wiihoui jcst a-killtng hi», take lt oul oi om. Amen." Ao4 qo« (ot aome «ayißfi of hrisbt ImleMka.
V POV'«- »IWSWf. Tea<-her Who wa« the r>chot man u( ancient ticres ? Freddy—Mcthti«f!ah, nia'am Teachcr —What > • Freddy—Yes. he had n>ofe b«fe than an%bodr eHe, icd time is n,ooey. 1 4«TF 51 f» AT TW»: C*D I)oct ur to Tomm, aged fo«r y< ars - Pat out y »ur tongae dear SKk iattle Tomroy feeb!y pot» out the tip c f h:s *org,ielKxtot Xo t no; put ;t right o«t The littie feHow «hook his head fceb.y, an<J the tears g»thered 10 hb ey«.— I canX d'.ctor: it'* ustei»ed 00 to ;roe. i AI<VASiT%<«F. or I.lYl*fi on »AN<»oa. I jttle Johnny W is four jrears oW and onee lived in Bang. r. His parcnt» now live in Augusta. Johnny lovcd fun, and soo>ctimcs got into o»ischief. at all lively litt!e boys will onee in a whi'e. One »lav he did soroe little th:rg out of the W3). and his mother taUed to him aboi>t it She told him ab njt seeing him, and knowing al> <ut what he did <*t all timcs. Thi» jmade Johnny think, and he was still !for v3tnc time. At la<t hecned out: '•Say, mother, does Ood see all we do here in Augusta 7* "Ves, ,, said his mother, "he sees cver\thing we do." Then the lntle fellow cried out; My go><lness ' mcjther * I,et's move bi< k to B »ng-r '