Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Volume XXIX, Number 41, 11 October 1890 — Our English Column. [ARTICLE]

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Our English Column.

"/fi yVuft Prrf 4rt ffir Man W,

vn("i y. rnn> desk.

Hcre »« a storr fhit *"J«» pJ«J*e tbc| small Ik«)a. I? happcnc<s a good manT ycari a*:o, when pcor>se ti«J n(A know how to make pKTures as. wtil a< tbcy tio no». IV-n vi. ♦'Now, TfdŌT, >ou arc to i»t nght *til) untii Brotbcr Ja<k»on tclh you that you < an movc." "Ho* lonj; «ill that he/ a»kc<J {'Cfi(}>, a !i:t'c ndgetv boy only «* Tcars old. •i don t know It will tcem longcr thar it rca!3y iv It m»y *cem like half an hour, bot I *hould think it woul<! not bc than fivc roinutci We 'an t vour iikene** you ut vcn vtiil Th»s was in thc dap when vun wcrc < aPcd hy thc and harc! name, "<ia;;ucrreoCypes," afrcr thc l rcn< hman who studicd and fou»id "Ut how to make thcm. His name was I)Jk'uerre lt took a vcry timc of st!tmg stili, i>cfore a j]< iurc ' ou!d !* got. I cddy was visitat thc rntniVvcr's, wjth his mothcr. Ihr ministcr had a rt>om #hcre h? t >ok pi(f,jrcs and Mr» (iaine* wishcd ?a ;;et a pvture of hcr iittk* hoy. So hf hari him up very <"artfully, and was him now how to bchavc, h forc she put him in thc < arc of p.r./thcr ia^k^on. ird wa< i.nt into a hard t hair, and ma«l'- t-i up vtrv straight hy Hrother f«< k who had not hcard what [cddy > mother told him. Mc w*s ihinkiHp" moie <W his Sunday sermon, :han he was <>f l cddv. Aftcr he had takcn I cddv's pu turc\ he to tell (nm that he < ould go. Hc went into his *<iark roorn' to finish the pirture, ,iiid than he forgot all about thc little !m.y. ,«nd wcnt to his stud\ to w ritc|hisl ■ crmorv And thcrc *at |>oor littie Tcfldy in tha? hard, bat ked chair. l'he linie tcl!ow wanted a picture very mueh or hr ncver rotild have sit so siili not ( vcn for tcn tninutcs. There he sat v*ith his head t>ctwecn the as iie < allc<i the hcad rest, tooking at the "upper hand corner nl thc iamera.'' If his body was still, his minel w»s not, and he countcd off eaeh rninute for scveral times its real lcngth, The minutcs pas.sed vcry r*lowly mto an hour. Mrs. Ja< kson and Mrs. C'»aincs, down stairs were wondering how oftcn Mr. |a< kson would have to try for thc pi< ture. and »fter two hours thcv wcnt < arcfuilv U|>stairs, bccause Mr. Jaik*on was vcry particular about bcing intcrruptcd When thcy reachcd the room, there nat i»oor Tcddv, but the minister was nowhere to bc sccn. Mrs. C>aincs was and said, "Why, Tcddy»i what arc you doin# i No answer < ame frotn reddy's lips, and hi< mothcr trcmblingly cried out: "Oh my ix)or child ! are you durab, or i ra;y, or what ?' and shc prcsscd poor t'cddv to hcr bosom " l hcrc ' you'vc spoilt my picture mamma" was Ted's repiy. lt was five minutcs i>cfore his mother could un« dcrstand the mattcr, and it was morc than five ycars l>cforc Tcddv undcrstand it. Just think, boys ! Sitting before the i amcra for two hours, without stirring. Why, thcsc days you do not have to sit for t'ive setonds for a picture, and many pcrsons < ould takc a pu turc of you in tcss than % second» and lct you turn and shake your hcad and whole hody as iwueh »• you p)eased, and it would not spoil the picture. Cassibianca, you know, *'Stood on the burniog dc< k Whem e aU but him had flcd," aod so did poor littlc Tcddy »it in that straightbackcd chāir for two long houns \hioking that ihe romistcT ww takiog hts picture ali that tttuc. He had as oueh grit as •l'oUieī boy." And oo», girK here is tb« story of "Poor Little WiHit w <or you. A liule girl, carrytng a queer lookiog bundle stopped a strcet car thc othcr day. She was very ragged. and the tears werc ruooing dowo hcr fect Sht got oo to tbe car, aod bcgao lo teU tbe cooductor her sad story. Thc eooductor had asked her why sbc cricii and he looked tt thc bondle «t the same ume as if he thought she wia canfing a dcad baby, "Cause liule WiWa detd, sir, an' 1 hate'n't got any moo«y an' I Uvc way out on Califbrnia avenoe, an'! got to takt him home, ao' oh, what wiU poor Tommy «af when he knowi WiUie'» dead; and woot you pleaie» ur, let me ndc, ao' Tlt givc you the mooey the next time 1 see you—boo hool hoo hoof aod the chikfs atory was cut short by a fit of crymg. It wa» rathev hard to make a heane of his street car, and Cor minute or two the man haidly knew what to do, bot a geotleman handed him five ccnts» and madt a plac% by hb aida for the UtUe giH and her curious burdta

I *'\Vb€T» dsd Ifttk Wdlic d*e ?" «sked th« kifid ge»tlem*ft. *fter the giH had itopDed ayiog. "ThU tfrerzkooo, just a UttSe btt tgo ? «hen I m croistßg State Street «ntb hiu, i w*g<ya eame akmg, an<L boohoo ' hoo-hoo' ran orer him. u .Vod who b Hnk Tom»v r j "He*» my brother, s«r. He * a iame bay. and h» poor legs woet bear hīm at all; aod oh, how he Joved poor tittte WiUie:

"Doo't the> koow »boot tt tt bocnc yc\r "No »iT. not ytt, «wi wiK poor httle Too©y «Ki moihe* boo-boo ' Th«n tbc gcotlcma«» took off his bat and drcppcd a big *iWcr doiUr into it, and wen! around to thc o(bcr gcrn, ind whi§pcrcd, "Kor tbc /uoenl, thcy arc poor people." Tbc otbcr p«s--scngcrs dropped sonjctbiog ioto tbc hau and quitc a little lum of rooncy was pot imo tbc tittle pH'» baod. A kind old lady said, "Poor I)earand )ifted the old *hawl whkh corered tbe face ot tbc corpse. She looked for ,only ao instaot, an<i tben sank back m'to hcr scat. Willie was a dcg. j Mastcr Bobby's fathcr is tbe owncr of a maehine whieh hatches out cggs. The other day, as Master Bobby was watching a ehieken brcaking its way through iu shcll t he said, "I sce how l he gets out, but how did he get in ?" Little 4-year old Mattie coroplained to hcr mother that hcr shoes her. u \Vhy, Mattic, you've put them on the wronj{ fcet" Puzzlcd, and ready to cry she answered, "What'll I do, mamma, Thcy's all the fect I got."